Page 116 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 116

1   6il  1.30  pRoNUNoATroN   Add question  tags to the  2  Comptete  the email with the present perfect of the verbs in
           statements.  Then [isten, checl< and repeat.            exercise 1. Use the affirmative (./) or negative (X).
           1 You're  hard-working and enthusiastic,   ?
           2 He enjoyed  the work,      ?
           3 You've worked in a hotel  before,   ?
           4 The  job  involves deating  with customers,   ?       Hijustin
           5 You wouldn't be able to start until May,              I  1      (/)   history  project at lastl I
           5 Bar staff must do shift work,   -                     IXJ  pages and pages  - only about six pages, in fact. But it
           7 You won't  tell anyone,     ?                        =         (/  a long time. I wonder if the teacher will   i
                                               -                              )
           8 You can drive,       ?                               like it. I  *   (X)  a great  weekend. Too much work!   .
                                             -?                                                                     .
            ' Past simpte and present perfect                     weekend  should be better. Dad  6   (/) my bike, so
              contrast   -                                        I can use it again.  And my brother  Darren  is talking about  *I.'l
                                                                  taking  me to the music festival this year. He    ]
        We use the the past simpte to talk about:                  (X) the tickets yet, but he   [/)  to pay for minel
        .  compteted events in the past.
          I virilod m.{ aunt lart $roe.Hrnd.
                                                                 3  Put the words in the correct order to mal<e  sentences  with
        We use the present perfect  to tall< about:                just,  akeady and yet.
        .  how long cunent  situations  have existed.
                                                                    1 read  /yet / haven't  /  I / bool(/ that
          l'vc bgrn a'l this school  for sir
                                  1oars.                            2 brilliant I filn  lwatched  I iust ll've I  a
        .  experiences  which  happened at an unstated time in the
                                                                    3 finished / they've  /  dinner  I  then  I already
          past (the  exact time is not mentioned  and is not important).  4 you  I her I spoken I  have I  yet  / to?
          M1 ri-*1rr  has mot ?raaTi11.                                                                           ,
                                                                    5 my ljust /  hospital  1  aunt / left /  has
        o past  events  that are connected with the  present.
          i'vr lost rnl  r,ratrh.  Have vcu sren it?             4  Comptete  the sentences using  the past simpte or present
          Iana  hag airtadl  donr !rrr honoi,rorK.  Hirt ii is      perfect form of the verb in bracl<ets.
        We often use finished  time expressions  with the past      1 I feel better now that I   (have)  a sleep.
        simpte (yesterday,  three months ago, lastweek,  in 1999),  2 My dad         (work) in a hospital  for ten years
        but unfinished  time expressions  with the present perfect    between L990 and 2000.
        (for,  since, already,  iust,  yet).                        3 Manchester United are winning  and Wayne Rooney
        I vlrnt to ?ario in ?c0lr.                                             (score)  twice.
        I lravrl't brarr io Parrs                                   4          you         (locl<) the door before  you
                          '1ei.                                         -          -
        lhr,r hera rirrco  {uetdav.                                      (go)  out?
        We use yet and already  with the present perfect  when referring  5 Jenny  isn't here; she   (teave)  two minutes ago.
        to the past. We use otreadywilh affirmative  sentences. It goes  5 This town   (change)  a lot since we
                                                                      (move)  here
        before  the past participte  form or at the end ofthe sentence.       -  in 2004.
        We use yef in negative  and interrogative  sentences  and it goes  7 I   (never  meet)  anybody as rude as you!
        at the end ofthe sentence.                               if.*s,,1:
        lhe's alrrad.,  irf t / 3hr s lir:ad'.             [rj   nresent perfect continuous
        Havr  1ou  oaien  1ot?  No, I havrn't rllen  {0i.              -
                                                                 We use the present perfect continuous  to tatk about:
        We useiusf to mean'onty','a second ago'. lt is usuaIty  put
                                                                 .  an action that began  in the past  and continues  up to
        before  the past participle.
                                                                  the  present.
        l'ut jrrrr iin;ih:d nr1 irrch Heve ',0,r   arr rv,d?      .',
                                                                  ive. bnen  \^orKinq  tcr rhir rompany *indo .2002.
        We form the present perfect like this: have /  hos + pasl
                                                                 .  an action which started in the  past  and lasted for some
        participte  of the verb.
                                                                  time. The result of the action  is visibte  in the present.
        (There  is a tist of irregular past  simpte forms and past participle  Favid hae bren plaling  irnnis *o ha'; rral!1 iirod.
        forms in the Workbook.)
                                                                 We form the present perfect  continuous  tike this: have /  has +
                                                                 been  + the  -ing  form.
        1  Write the past participtes  of these verbs. Which ones
           are regutar?
           l  take      3 promise     5 write       /  rtntsn
           2 be         4 have        6 buy         8 mend
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