Page 112 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 112
1 Comptete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of
the verbs in bracl<ets.
mean avoid
pretend can't face 1 Can you ptease stop (whistle)? lt's driving
promise can't help me mad! -
refuse can't stand 2 On the way home we stopped (buy) a paper.
seem enioy 3 'l can't reach the top shelf.' 'Why don't you try
want fancy (stand) on a chair?'
4 Please try not (annoy) your brother.
The negative in both cases is formed by adding nof before the 5 Did you remember (send) mum some flowers
verb: on Mothers'day?
I remember (play) in that parkwhen I was
ila de c;dro no1 to co to the par+.1
lmaginr not bring ablr-to *a. little.
I Comptete the sentences with the correct form of the 2 Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of
verbs in brackets. the verbs below. Which opinions do you agree with?
1 Can you imagine (not have) a fridge?
2 They agreed (not stay) out [ate.
1 A lot of teenage girls enf oy at pictures of
3 I feet til<e -- (see) a film tonight. models, and want til<e them.
4 Did you manage (do) the shopping? 2 Most boys pretend interested in fashion, but
5 My parents refuse (buy) me a taptop.
secretty they are.
6 Harry can't face - (do) the washing today. 3 | fail why peopte are so interested in models.
7 He suggested (eat) at a new restaurant. 4 I love reading about models. I often imagine
8 She pretended (not see) him.
9 We avoid (drive) to London in the rush hour. that kind of tife.
5 Magazines should refuse __ photographs of
- modets who are too thin.
f,,:l. ! Verbs that change their meaning t;;q:,r:ft:.1
Some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the -ing ! ,. . Past tense contrast
form. ln both cases the meaning of the verb is very simitar.
We use past tenses to talk about something which,happened
I liKa 1n get up earl1. I like grlt;ng rrp earll
in the past.
thr rontlnur.d to tait. tha continusi talxing.
. We use the past continuous to set the scene.
Some verbs change their meaning depending on whether they The D:rii wice s,nqir6 i,l thp 1r,o< ihar norn,r,o
are fo[[owed by an infinitive or -ing form. . We use the past simfile to describe actions oievents which
I romambar livin* in ?aris whon I was
1oung, happened immediately one after the other in the past.
Meaning: this is a memory ol something that happened f,oarrna r,.ialxad Co:rn thc road, turned ia{i, ihan saw iht housr
in the past. forlhr iir-*1 tinre.
Did loit rrrembzi' io pl onr Trnn12 . We use the past continuous to describe an action which
Meaning: this is an action that needs to be done - so you have was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use
to remember to do something. the past simpte for the action that interrupted it.
ulhile uia lrrrr $a1ing at thr camptiio, *omobodl ctola l:;ona*
l l\ n;i'er {oi'gs} tximmi.rE wirh ari ihoar rharrr
Meaning: this is a memory of an action.
. We use the past perfect to talk about an event which
?a1r,cY for'gnl to ro fcotball
3o ?tac\t(0. happened before another event in the past.
Meaning: this refers to an action that has not been done yet.
I warn'1 hLrngrl b,,nu*r I had alrradl ratrn lunch.
?ieasr slop tair;ngl
Notice that with regular verbs the past simple and the past
Meaning: end this action.
participte form of the past perfect is the same.
Karen..lotD:d il rs< for directiorrr
tl l\ cradnzd li hal crashed
Meaning: stop in order to do something else.
However, with irregular verbs the past simpte and the past
$is trirC hitlint i.i v.rith a h;mrnor, but vle couldn'i open ii
participle form are often different.
Meaning: attempt in order to sotve a problem.
I raid ?etsr llr'd a\rezd1 6&en rl1&.
Snphir irird 1o *;vs $crne mor0'1, but shr soeni :i all.
(There is a list of irregutar post simple and past participle forms
Meaning: try hard to do something.
in the Workbook.)