Page 109 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 109

Listening                                               Use of Engtish
       4  ffiM$ffiX         Complete  the expressions connected  7  Do the exam task.
          with voting.  Use a dictionary  to [ool< up the expressions you
          don't  know.
                                                                   Complete  the text with an appropriate  word in each gap.
          candidate  counts democracy  eleetion fed up night
          the Governrnent vote worth                               Oxfam
          1 every vote                                             The name  'Oxfam'  comes from the Oxford Committee for
          2 to be      with potiticians                            Famine Relief, which    set up in Britain in 1,942.|t
          3 vote for a   - --                                      sent food to starving  peopte in Europe during the Second
          4        in an election                                  World  War.        war, the group  became l<nown
          5 have the      to vote                                        'Oxfam' and widened  its objectives  ,   include
          6 to be      voting for                                  the relief of suffering  due   wars or any other
          7 run in the -                                           causes  in     part of the world. ln 1995  Oxfam  joined
          8 fight for _                                            up'    .. independentnon-governmentorganisations
          9 disagree  with                                         in other countries to create  Oxfam  lnternationat.  Their
                        -*-                                        aim was to work together to   a greater  impact  in
        5  Work in pairs.  Take turns to describe the picture and answer  reducing globaI poverty and injustice. Oxfam  lnternational
          the question.  Use expressions from exercise  4.         is now  a world leader in the delivery  e   emergency
                                                                   relief.  Furthermore,  it organises long-term aid programmes
                                                                   in the poorest countries  10   the world.
                                                                I  reEft!ftlffiiiE  Comprere rne usefur  pnrases  wirn tne
                                                                   words in the [ists.
                                                                   (rrvrng  an oprnron
                                                                   concerned  convinced mind see Seem5
                                                                   1 As I      it, ...       4 As far as l'm
                                                                   r  romy                   5 lt      to me that ...
           ls it important  to vote in elections?  Why?  /  Why not?  3 I'm far from   that ...
        6   ffi  :.:a  Do the exam tasl<.                          Presenting  an argument       -
                                                                   carl evident hard rernernber  wonth
                                                                   1 lt's     to deny that ...
                                                                   2 1l-     be argued that...
          Listen and match  the opinions  (A-E) with the speakers
          (1-4).  There is one opinion  that  you do not need.     3 lt is     that ...
                                                                   4 lt is
          ffiffiffiffi                                             5 We shoutd   bearing  in mind that ...
                                                                                    that ...

                                                                   Presenting  an opposing  argument
                                                                   argue hand said say spite
          ffi  You'have,the,,Iightito,vote;  so you  sho,u[d  vote.  .  1 On the other   ,  ...
                                                                   2 ln        this, ...
          ffi* :Every,vple  lt,ieq,uall\r.  im portant,a  n,d can im ake a  3 Having  --   -  that, ...
          ffiffi  d ifference.                                     4 However,                 that ...
                                                                        -of  some  people
          ffi  )fu u S hourld vote  b e ca us e' peo plq.'have'  suffeled' i n  5 That is not to   that ...
          ffiffi the pastto  make':it,possibt€:,r  ,:   l,  , ' . ,. ,'                 -
          ffi                            ,, '  L ,,'            9  Do the exam task.  Use some of the expressions
          ffi  l f you, donlt,Vo!e;1 yoq,  Canlt comptai n,'i  [ !o  u d o n,11  in exercise  8.
          ffi  likerfhings;]li  r:.  ,  ,             -'.
          Wffi Thqrc is no  pojnt in,Voting,until potitie]ans  ,:
          W    improve.                                            The money  that rich countries  give to poorer countries does
                                                                   not really  help them. Discuss.

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