Page 105 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 105
Lead-in Reading
1 Compare the photos. What l<ind of dance do you prefer 5 Read the emails. What was Libby's ptan to help Anna and
watching? Are there any other l<inds of dance that you enjoy Mike get together? Did it work?
doing or watching?
Dear Libby
It's a shame you couidn't make it to Liverpool for the
weekend - especially as you'd got tickets for us to see
Romeo and Jullet, It was so nice of you to surprise me. Did
you have your car repaired? I hope it didn't cost too much"
Anyway, I didn't waste your ticket - I invited Mikel We
had a really great evening. He'd never been to a ballet
before, but he enjoyed it, I think. The music is so romantic
and the costumes were beautiful too [although I'm not
sure Mike noticed those). We went for a drink after the
show and to cut a long story short, he asked me out. He
told me how much he liked me and that he wanted to
see a lot more of me. I was quite surprised because I've
never heard him talk about his feelings before. Maybe the
romance of the music and the story had an effect on him,
What do you think? Anyway, I said I needed time to think
about it. Was that the wrong reply? I didn't want to seem
too keen. Now I'm worried that I wasn't keen enough!
2 6d f .lz Listen to three short scenes. Exptain in your own
words why Anna is angry at the end of the third scene.
3 6d 3.32 Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
Hi Anna
1 The phone calt between Zara and Libby ends at tt-rur',t , for your emaii, I'm so pieased you-enjoyed the
a three o'ctock.
ll ;;11;i;;;-;.nt with Mike' And I'm sure the romance of
b ten past three. l l made a difference! In a way' it's lucky for
n"*r" ira nlief
c ten to three. that *Y .u. broke down, isn't it? :-l
d three minutes to ten. By the way, you have to say YES! Y^ou'i: peile-ct for each
2 How does Zara describe the relationship between rnrii my opinion uny*'y Don't wait' phone him
Anna and Mike? "if-t"..
a They don't see each other very often. love
b They're going out together. Libbv
c rney've spur up.
d fhey argue a tot, but they til<e each other. 6 lre these sentences true or false?
3 Who is Zara expecting to receive a text message 1 Anna gave Libby's ticket for Romeo and Jutietto Mike.
from after the rehearsat? 2 Mike totd Rnna ihut he tiked the costumes.
a Libby. 3 Anna and Mike didn't go straight home after the show.
b Mike. 4 Anna knew that Mike was going to ask her out.
c The director of the show. 5 Anna said no when Mike asked herout.
d Her dad. 6 Anna is not sure that she did the right thing.
4 What did Libby ask Mike when they spoke on the phone? 7 Libby is sure Anna shoutd say yes.
a Whether he tiked battet.
b Whether he wanted to meet up for a coffee. Wniting
c Why he had phoned her.
7 lmagine you are Mil<e. Write an email to a friend narrating
d Whether he had heard from Anna.
the events of your night out with Anna. lnclude this
r which ballet you saw and your opinion of it
4 Worl< in pairs. Why do you thinl< Anna is angry? What do o what you did after the show
you think she should do? Compare your ideas with the . your conversation with Anna and how she reacted
class. . how you fett.
Sl<ills Round-up 1*10 103