Page 100 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 100

ffil_trffiffi,ffi  Worl<  in pairs.  Look at picture  2 and describe  3  Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.
            what is happening.  lnclude  participle clauses in your
                                                                     1 Alonzo Clemons
            description  (see page  95).
                                                                       a learned how to sculpt from his mother.
                                                                       b could make detailed  modets  at a very earty age.
         2   6d :.ZZ Read the texts  quickly.  Answer  these questions.
                                                                       c had a talent  which his mother immediately  recognised.
            1 What medical condition do both artists  have?            d was very stow to learn how to put on his clothes.
            2 What amazing  tatent do they share?
                                                                       'Savants'  Iike Alonzo
                                                                       a atI have fantastic  memories.
                                                                       b can communicate we[t.
                                                                       c perform everyday tasks very quickty.
         @ff€x*.,               ,ff&Wfiyss                             d have Iearning difficutties.

                                                                       When  Richard's  parents found a school for him,
     Aloriz,s,Clemons  is.from  Boulder, Coloiado.  According,to  Alorizols  a his teachers sent him home.
      mothqr,r trve,hn, he, was..  always trying:to  sculpt  things'as:,a  baby,,,but
                                                                       b his talent wasn't recognised  for a [ong time.
      she did not reaiioe what he,was,  doing.,And  lhen,  he got hold  Qf  gome  c he communicated with his teachers  through  his
      rnodelling,  glay  and she qoon realised.that he had a,'special  ,talent,  drawings.
      Befoie,rhe could,,,evEn'feed  himself  or,get dressedl, he'iorddi,'make
                                                                       d he became  interested  in magic.
      rnodels  qf  aniinals  that'were  correct  in everv detail.   ::'';  1: .  r'  '
                                                 ";                    American people
                                                                       a didn't  reatise  he had learning difficutties.
                                                                       b considered him as just  an artist.
                                                                       c didn't consider him to be a true artist.
                                                                       d described him as their favourite  artist.

   ,,,r,,,A!  Albnia giew,',  :h!g,a,bilitl,r   tor: scfr&g  iqgiaqsed,laptdly;  tbuqhe did
   ,  .,  not,,'deve1op.,the'  o,ther' Skil1s,'wfiiih ih'ildreni:noimiily  ls2rn:r.,
     doctors call people like Alonzo  'savanrs'.  They have  a developmental
   ',l ,,diqabiliiy,like'aulism;  a condiiioa:,whlsli  malies,,iirhard  fqr'ihern:ro
     ;--    -'
   ,,r,       zlog!;:$erfoirn,,everyda.y,tasks,.Butat,the1,same1.t!me,rthey
   ':"  .,harre  ',ikill                                      ,
          .f   #hichr theylcan.  do,incidib\r;,w911, in' s.ome  iaqis;,,1har
   '  'r. i s'lil|''arrhi{"b;,-,memqr$  !a.  other. caseq, musicr  ,gr  painiing.,   ,,,
   ,,,,,,It.,  tnke  q.lqd)a,,.45.  minutes  lfoi'.A1on2o:ito,::iomp]eti   .a sma11  'work.
   1,,,,, ,Recently,l  ,howerre.rrr he, has'b€gunlto,,do,mglqtambitioris  proleitq.,His
                         ca! d,TSrre  Froliching Fbati; It,took  Alonzo
   r:r,:,rjusqthtee,,weekq  tO,,eomplefe thig]  li{b-size,  sculptur,g;.qf d11qs young
   r, :rii}'oriesir:L-iki:ialliof',,work1
                             r.,,ihe1,.  n;"  a.naio,,riealb,lcoiieet'in,every
                            his work'furihe fiist tirae., It.was..very
     popular and today, his work is on consranr  display  at a gallerv  in
   .' ,',  C,cii6jado; USA. Alonzols,, qpecial  abiltty, hrq.:h.lpgd,h!m.  den1, w_ith
   ''  .  ,  ,his'  :autisrri.,  F[e,  .is,  'riorr  rablg ,to,  tommrrniCate better  ,and  ,lead,,a 'moie
     !ndep,en{e,p11!f{H-e:,has,,a   job.,and,his  own apartment, ind,,he-.enjqfs
    :, :dqing,weighili&ing  at the,gyrn,  But,seulptur_ir  is,st!!!,;his  miin'- sion,,
      98 i  Unit 10  ,,  Be creative
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105