Page 99 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 99
R Look at the bool< cover. Then read the text and find out $ Read the Learn this! box. Find two examptes of determiner
what happened to the author after he had finished writing + o/in the text in exercise 1.
the books.
Determiner + of
The determiners in the table can be followed by of in
phrases like: a few of his friends and much of the time.
However, we can't use every or no in these phrases.
lnstead, we use every one or none.
l_ Every one of ...
run ef myfriends wete tfiere'. * None of my ...
&ffi& Se&ffiffiAf{ fi$i.iiLsiK 1l*"3: F&Sf, 135 ffiX$
& Comptete the sentences with the determiners below.
aii j::./ pa{ .1 ..{.,i u0 }r,fl;:
1 There wasn't music in the fitm, just sound effects.
2 I haven't got money - just €1!
3 of his ptays are written in French, others in Engtish.
4 Unfortunatety there are tickets left for that festiva[.
5 - correct answer is worth one point.
6 champagne is made in France.
tuffiffi${ {3&$',}i.$
We use few and /iffle (rather than a few and a /iffle) when
we want to emphasise the smaltness of the number or
quantity. It usuatly has a negative meaning. Compare:
Luckily, I've mode a few friends at my new school.
Sadly, l've mode few friends at my new school.
Read the Look out! box. Complete the sentences with few,
a few,little or o little.
1 l'tt ask my dad if we can go to the festiva[, but there's
Look at the determiners in red in the text and complete the chance he'[[ say yes.
table with ticks (/). 2 Can you give me time to think about it?
3 The mathematical problem is so comptex that _
people can understand it.
4 He's a very private person, and information is
known about his persona[ [ife.
every 5 I decided to spend days with my grandparents.
each 6 The festival isn't we[[ known. famous acts play
any Complete the sentences about your ctassmates with the
some phrases below. Try to guess the truth.
att g i*ur all *,ir,y' fl'.)s, rlo,lil st{t;a
most 1 of them can play an instrument.
much 2 them enioy dancing.
3 of them like opera.
4 of them have been to a music festival.
few -
5 -of ofthem have sung in a choir.
a few 6 of them have written a novet.
tittte -
f ffiffi Read your sentences from exercise 6 to the
a littte class. Find out if they are correct.
Unit 10 " Be creative i97