Page 98 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 98

tllllt           t;ll:llrlltllrllrt
            .S  g:tS  Read the text. How many different festivats                    ttLfl  [k
            does it mention  in total? Which one sounds  most
            appeating to you? Why?
           Are these sentences  true or false?
            1 Many  British music fans go to European  music  festivals
              because  the weather is better.
            2 Travetting from the  UK to the Rock Werchter  is not
            3 The Rock  Werchter  festival takes place  in Brussels.
           4 The Garden Festival is much  bigger than the T-Mobile
              lNmusic Festiva[.
            5 Both festivats in Croatia take ptace near water.
           6 A tot of Brits traveI to Fiberfib  for a taste of Spanish
                                                                       Briliih summots dre not alway1 well-suited  to stonding in
           Complete  the compound nouns with the words below. Find
                                                                      o fielil:rivith,thousands  of othier festivol-goerl os fans of
           them  in the text to see if they are written with a hyphen,
                                                                      the Gldstontbury  Festival  in s6utti:west  Englond  have often
           as one word or as two.
                                                                      discovered.  So fhese doys,  thousands ol music-lovers heod
           a{ts huses Europ*    Soers  lovers music site up          for:moinlanQ  Europe for sunnier lestivol experiences.  Here
           t  headline_ 4 music_             7 tine_
           2 dance_  5 camp_                 8 shuttte_
           3 festival-  6 mainland _
           D  vocReuLARy  BUILDER 10.2:  PAGE 136 @
                                                                          :.Kag$i6-tll€                           ilitllE::::i::::::r:li
        {+  '$ *Zg, Listen  to five people talking about  music                                                 ,l:i:liiillillir.r::i:,rr:rr.,;rrr..
           festivals.  Match  the speakers (1-5) with the opinions  (a-g).                                      r[e]:llil:tia:.l..]1::::::::,lll,::l
                                                                                                                lal:':ii  iriia:i::i:,u::::::::l:1.::rl
           There are two extra opinions  that you do not need.
           a The British climate isn't realty suitable for open-air music
           b Music  festivats are the onty way you can see several
             world-famous  acts in one weekend.
           c You're  so farfrom the stage thatyou  can't see anything-         INI
             watching  it on W is better.                        ,.riliii.liiitliiii  :se!51
           d Festivals  always  have a great  atmosphere  because  iiii:iiriinirGl0
             everyone  has the same interests.                   $l:i1r:Fetliv
           e The sound system is never very good and most bands  f,.,:.g-rMi
             can't  perform  well live.                                                                        iatit:ll,VU:ilillr:i:ill::rir::.:
           f  The best thing isn't the music; it's eating, drinking  and
             being  with friends.
           g There are too many peopte; it woutd be a horribte
             experience  for me.
           ffi      Discuss these questions  in pairs.
           1 Are there any music  festivals  in your  country?  Have you
             ever been to one?
           2 What  are the best and worst things about  music  festivals,
             in your opinion?
           3 Which acts would you most [ike to see performing  live at
             a music  festivat?  Why?
           4 What  other kinds of festivaI interest you?

     96 i  Unit 10  *  Be creative
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