Page 103 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 103
Read the review. Are these sentences true or false?
i:i.,,,;,r NominaI subject clauses
1 The setting for the story is a beautiful lake.
;ll;;i.:ii We sometimes emphasise particular information in a
2 Stantey shoutdn't be in a detention centre.
i:i,::rili sentence by putting itin a Whot- clause foltowed by be.
3 The Warden has a secret reason for asking the boys
to dig holes.
:}:l Uyfraf t realty like is adventure stories.
fhe ending made o big impression on me.
: Whot made a big impression on me was the ending.
Read the Leorn this! box. Find two sentences with nominal
subject clauses in the review in exercise 1. Rewrite them as
ordinary sentences.
Rewrite the sentences with nominaI subject clauses
starting wilh What.
1 Att of the characters are looking for happiness.
2 The setting is rea[[y unusuat.
3 I loved the twist at the end.
4 The main character really needs a hotiday.
5 I reatty enjoy reading classic novels.
6 Stephen King is famous for writing thrillers.
$ffi} t,tr rl$tI? JL' {{}t fr 1 ,.+ r.{i..r" . jtr ffi
Choose a book you know. Write notes under these
headings. You can include any other important information.
I ritle, I wh.r. is it set? i
! Main characters:
i what happens?
:,,..-.,.,.-,,.,..-......,,,,.-..,.-.-.-.,.....,. .,...
li's funnl / moving / orciling / gripping / iniore*ting.
,,:: How many phrases from the box can you find in the review?
l rdlr-vr:1:3-1e :t-,lLrULK ggttg le E?r,i:_*,__ __-,
-!;::i*i:: I t,.]i:i. lX$3{* D VOCRBULARY BUILDER 10.3: PAGE 136 (K
! iii**liirrr.i '.:i.:.1 'i.:; ;:, ,l'i ...
'..:.: 1. Read the writing strategy below. Write a review of 200-250
'Ihl {
:":lti* :i: ji!!,:i:i:ia' : ": :;,jl i|..i ,litr,: ;,:,,rtt.; words. Use your notes from exercise 5 and include phrases
ii t*;t... r;tii*i' lil ;.:::r:i:r,.'; ii:*iri':; ; L'rr.ri:;i. :ii . : -, . ...
from exercise 2.
ii'rt ;: ll:il-,ii t; .l;rt.''l 1 rrlrl*lt :it:'ll-;:1,rir,, iiti.i ..... -..r -. ..
i::':; Slri. il: i,:::,:r.'i.t .
:l Complete the text about Ihe Lord of the Rrngs. Use the
ptot of a story or film.
phrases from exercise 2.
The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy story'
J. R. R. ToLkien. 2--, an imaginary land catled'Middl'e
magic ring. frodo. u--* they succeed
in d"estroy-ing the ring. A few years ago -- starring
0rlando Bl,oom' It's a great book and 7 !
Unit 10 , Be creative , 101