Page 106 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 106
Reading Speaking
1 GEft*Irnrem Workin pairs. Askand answer 3 reEl!!fififtfpill(,Lool<atthe photos. What kinds of
the questions. art do they show? What adiectives woutd you use to
1 Do you often go to art galleries? WhyT I Why not? describe them?
2 Do you like modern art? Whv? / Why not?
4 Do the exam task:
2 Oo the exam task.
Lool< at the photos and tall< about art, discussing the
Read the text. Five sentences have been removed from following questions.
the text. Choose from sentences A-F the one that best fits
each gap. There is one sentence that you do not need.
The huge gattery catted the Turbine Hall at London's Tate
Modern Art Museum is home to a new instatlation for the
next few months. lt looks as if the entire floor of the galtery
has been covered with smatt grey pebbtes, turning it into
a vast beach. But they are not pebbtes. [fTl nnd tnat
is precisety what is there. A hundred miltion sunflower
seeds have been spread out over the floor of this vast,
industrial space. That in itself does not sound particutarty
artistic. [2Tl Eactr seed was actualty hand-made from
porcetain by Chinese craftsmen and women. Sixteen
hundred artisans, working every day for two and a half
years, produced atl these millions of tiny, unique works of
art. Some of the artisans struggted to understand what they
were making, but they were paid more than their usuat daity
wage and are now asking Ai Weiwei if they can be involved
in his next project.
Etr Not only are the seeds a common Chinese street
snack, but they also represent the Chinese peopte. During
the time of the CutturaI Revolution, communist dictator
Chairman Mao catted his peopte 'sunflowers, always turning
their faces to fottow the sun'. The sun, of course, was the
dictator Mao himself.
Unfortunately, a probtem has arisen with this tatest
installation. ETI However, it soon became apparent
that this created a fine dust, which coutd be dangerous if
peopte breathed in too much of it.l5Tl Nonetheless, it is
still impres.qive, and the gattery is expecting thousands of
curious vlSitors.
A lnitiatly, the pubtic was allowed to watk over this sea of
, seeds and pick them up.
B The titte of the instattation by China's most famous
living artist, Ai Weiwei, is Sunflower Seeds.
C According to the artist, the sunftowers mean more than
one thing in Chinese culture.
How would you compare the four types of art shown
D Now, visitors are only attowed to view the instattation
in the pictures?
from the sides of the gallery.
Who do various forms of art appeal to? What forms
E The exhibition has not been well received by the pubtic.
of art appeal to you? Give reasons.
F . However, the amazing thing is that the seeds are not
Do you agree with the following statement?
what they seem.
Give reasons.
Art is less importont in our lives than it used to be.