Page 102 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 102

*   t&::,?!,+,Sl  Look at the posters.  Listen to Etlie and Atex  {$  Wffi   Worl<  in pairs. Take turns to answer  the speaking
            discussing which  of the four shows to see. What do they  task below. Student A: Use posters  1 and 2 from exercise 1.
            decide?                                                 Student  B: Use posters 3 and 4. Try to include expressions
                                                                    from exercises  2 and 3.
                                                                    You are visiting  your  friend  in the UK and she has offered
                                                                    to take you to a show.  Which show would you choose  and
                                                                    why? Why are you rejecting the other option?

                                                                      Remember to speak loudly and clearly.  Try to maintain
                                                                     eye contact  with the examiner.

                                                                    Work in pairs. Think about these questions  and make notes
                                                                    of your ideas.
                                                                    1 What could be done to give  more support to culturat
                                                                      activities  Iike theatre, opera, ba[[et  etc.?
                                                                    2 How do culturalactivities  make a society better? Why do
                                                                      we need theatres,  opera houses, concert halls, etc.?
                                                                 6  i$,      Listen  to two students  answering the questions
                                                                    in exercise 5. Which question  is each speaker answering?
                                                                    Do they mention  any ofthe  ideas  in your notes?   :

                                                                     so and such
                                                                     We can use so or such to emphasise an opinion:
                                                                     7 be +so + adjective:
                                                                        It's so expensive!
                                   :tt';;. .+t                       2 so + adverb:
                                                                        They danced  so brilliantly.
                                                                     3 such + adjective  + ptural noun / uncquntabte noun:.
                                                                        She's got such beautiful  eyes I  hoir.
                                                                     4 such + a f an adjective + noun:
                                                                        He's got such an amazing voice.
            l#.,qt#i  Comptete  these sentences  from the dialogue.
            Then listen  again and check.
            1 lt's not realty _   thing.                         J  i#!if.,&H  Read the Learn this!box. Complete  the sentences
            2 It just  doesn't _   to me.                           below with so, srlch or such a(n). Listen and check.
            3 I'm quite _   it:                                     1 Opera  houses  can be   formal venues.
            4 lthink-     be bored.                                 2 Opera-goers  often look_   posh!
            5 I wouldn't     I was a real fan.                      3 lt's     an expensive night out.
            6 That      more fun.                                   4 Peopte work_     hard these days.
            7 lt shoutd     really  entertaining.                   5 Batlet  is _   otd-fashioned.
                                                                    6 Watching  a play is   a different  experience.
         3  w                    Add the sentences from exercise    && cmgmruq,&R  &ritlscR r&.3:  F,&&€ *26 ,ffi
            2 to the lists below. Then listen, check and repeat, copying
            the intonation.                                      I  H!ffi.lll?il  In pairs, ask and answer  the questions  in

            Expregsins  enthusiasrn                                 exercise  5, usingyour notes.
            I'd realty love to see it.
            I love that kind ofthing"

            Expressins lack of gntlrusiasm
            i'm not very l<een on it.
            l'rn nct particularly  reatty interested  (in  ...  ).
    t{O  ,{ Unit 10  &  Be creative
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