Page 101 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 101
4 Decide ifthe sentences are true or false for each artist. EEEIEIUEM Complete the chart. Checl<your answers in
the texts.
He was born in Britain.
His parents discovered his rare
ta le nt.
He had an interest in art from an
early age.
He became popular as soon as his
works were exhibited. exh ibition
He coutdn't communicate with
ffiffi Worl< in pairs. Do the speal<ing tasl< below.
peopte very wett.
You have the opportunity to go to an exhibition of either
Alonzo Ctemons' or Richard Wawro's works. Look at the
pictures and photos. Which exhibition would you choose
and why? Why are you rejecting the other option?
ffi Which of these specialtalents and abitities
would you most lil<e to have and why?
1 The abitity to do extremely difficutt mathematical
catculations in your head.
2 The abitity to remember and recatl huge numbers of
dates, facts, numbers, etc.
3 The abitity to draw or paint beautifutty.
4 The abitity to ptay a musicaI instrument to a very high
stan dard.
5 The abitity to learn a foreign Ianguage extremely quicl<ly.
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Unit 10 ,, Be creative i 99