Page 96 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 96
Vocabulary r musical performers r artists and artistic activities r compound nouns
r word families: verbs and nouns r describing books
Grammar r participle clauses r determiners: oll, each, every, few, little, elc, r so and
such r nominal subjectclauses
Speaking r talking about the arts r describing a photo r discussion about music
festivals r stimutus discussion
-,{:tl Writing r abookreview
ffiil Look at the photos. What kind of music do you think these
people are performing? Have you ever performed this kind of music?
2 |$*|S.?i$. Listen and number the musical
performers in the orderyou hearthem (1-10).
Match five of them to the photos in exercise 1.
E a busker E a choir
laDl I a folk group
Aaiazzband fl an ooera sineer
E an orchestra I a rapper
E a rock band E a string quartet
3 r$,*:$i*lmfi,mlil checkthe meaning of the words and
phrases below and complete the sentences. Then listen
again and check.
Describing music aria beat chords chorus harmony
lyrics melody movement soto symphony
1 The opera singer began to sing an _.
2 The girl ctapped at the end ofthe first 4 Wtrictr of the performers in exercise 2 are you likely to hear:
3 There were a hundred peopte in the choir, att singing in 1 in a nightclub? 4 in a church or cathedra[?
2 in an opera house? 5 in a concert hatt?
Beethoven's Fifth _ is a very famous piece of 3 in a stadium or a large 6 in a smal[ music venue?
music. arena? 7 outdoors?
The boy quite likes the clever_, but isn't keen
on the music. 5 ffiffi$ Work in pairs. Do the speaking task below.
A drum can go on for quite a long time, and 1 You want to take a British friend and his / her parents to
can be a bit boring! a concert. Choose the concert in exercise 1 that is most
7 With modern jazz,there often isn't a strong appropriate and justify your choice.
8 It's no good having a good voice if you ptay att the 2 Explain why you rejected the other choices.
wrons I 3 Doyou thinkit is betterto hear live music or listen to a
Dance music has a heavy that makes peopte recordin g? Give reasons.
want to dance. 4 What qualities does a musician need in orderto be a
10 Live performers sometimes ask the the audience to join good performer? Give reasons.
in with the D VOCRBULARY BUILDER 10.1: PAGE 136 G
94 i unit 10 * Be creative