Page 92 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 92

fl  ffi     Workin  pairs. Describe  the photo.
                                                                  ffi  6&,l.ZZ  Tick the tenses  that the candidate  is lil<ety to
                                                                    use when answering the third question.  Then listen and
                                                                    checl<your  ideas.  Which  tense did the candidate  use most
                                                                     1 present simple  I      5 past continuous tr
                                                                    2 present continuous  E   5 past perfect  tr
                                                                    3 present perfect I       7 used  to      tr
                                                                    4 past simpte      tr    8 future  perfect  I

                                                                    ffi      Worl<  in pairs. Take turns to answer  questions  2
                                                                    and 3 in exercise  2.

                                                                    ffi      Worl< in pairs. Describe  the photo.
            Work in pairs.  Read the first question  and brainstorm  ideas.
            Make  notes.
            1 What  do you think the phone conversation is about?
            2 Do you and your  friends  buy a lot of things  online?
              Why? /  Why not?
            3 Te[[ me about the last time you used a computer.

             & :.ZO Listen  to a student  answering the first question.
            Compare your ideas with hers.

            '6i  3,lO lltilillIjlIfFM Complete  the student's sentences
            with the words below. Then listen  again and check.
            c*uid  dif,{icu{t  fi{i*s$ l**ks p:*ss?hilit5r  iir*tt.f
            s*m*tf:ing sur*
            1 I can't  be    but  I _   the girl is buying
            2 lt certainty  [il<e a credit card.
            3 I'm       certain that she's giving her credit card details
              to the sates assistant.
            4 Another_ is that she's  phoning  her bank.
            5 lt      be that she's phoning  the bank to set up a
              direct debit or_   like that.
            6 lt's     to say.
            ,$} g.el  Read and translate the phrases  in the Learn this!  When answering  the examiner's questions, you should
            box. Then listen to the student  answering the second     not Iimit yoursetf  to succinct, singte-sentence  answers.
            question.  Which of the phrases  does she use?            Make sure you give  reasons  and arguments for your
                                                                      responses,  and thinl< about using  a variety oftenses.
             Giving an opinion (1)
                                                                    ffi      Work in pairs.  Read the exam strategy. Then
             I'd say that ...  I wouldn't  say that ... I doubt  that ...
             Emphasising a point or giving extra details            ask and answer  these questions.  Try to use the phrases in
             ln  fact, ... Actually, ... I also think that ...      exercises  4 and 5, and a variety  of narrative tenses.
             My  friend  Sam often buys DVDs online. ln  foct,  he   1 Do you think the peopte  are enjoying themsetves?  Why?  /
             bought  one last week.                                    Why not?
             Giving examples                                        2 Do you and your  friends  spend a lot of money  on ctothes?
             For exomple, ... For instance, ... For one thing, ...     Why?  /  Why not?
             "'sov' "'                                              3 Te[[ me about the last time you went shopping.

      90  Unit 9  Money, money, money!
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