Page 90 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 90

            ffiffi   Can you thinl< of anyone  who is realty tucl<y?
            ln what way are they lucky?

         2  6b :.f a Read the text, ignoring  the gaps.  Why does Frano                               fu**
            Selal<  think that he is the world's luckiest  man? Choose the
            correct answer.
            a Because  he is now very rich, having narrowly escaped  death                      Frano Selak is
              on a number of occasions.                                !ighty-one-year-old
                                                                       Lknown as the world's luckiest man.
            b Because he has survived seven  serious accidents and then
                                                                       Throughout  his long life, he has survived seven
              won the lottery.                                                                                            ,
                                                                       disasters, all of which could have killed him.
            c Because he has finally  found  happiness with his fifth wife.
                                                                       Then, at the age ol 76, he got married  for the
                                                                       fifth time. 1E
             When  completing  a gapped text, look for words in the
             missing sentences  that tink with words that come  before  Selak was bonn in a small town in Croatia. He
             and after each gap (e.g. nouns,  verb tenses, pronouns,   was involved  in his first accident  in 1962.  He was
             time expressions, etc.).                                  travelling  by train fnom Sarajevo  to Dubnovnik,
                                                                       when the tnain  jumped  fnom the nails and fell
         3  Read the exam strategy. Then do the tasks below.            into a freezing  riven. 2E He managed  to get
            1 Look at the sentence before  gap 2 in the text. Th,en  read  to the niverbank  with a broken arm, suffening
              sentences  a-h betow  and find two sentences  that have words  from hypothermia.  The following year Selak took
              which  tink with 'freezing river'. Underline the key words in  a flight for^ the first -  and last  -  time" The door"  _
              each sentence.                                            opened and the passengers  were thrown  out of
            2 Onty one of the sentences  fits the gap. Which one? How do  the plane. 3n lf that haystack  hadn't been in the
              you know?                                                field, he would have died.

            a Four people drowned, but -  again  -  Setak swam to safety.  A few years laten,  he was travelling  by bus this
            b Nineteen people were kilted,  but Setak fell clear of the crash  time, when  -  again  -  it fell into a river". 4E
              and landed in a haystack.
                                                                       This time he only had cuts and bruises"'He  was
            c  He turned sharply to avoid a cottision, and went straight off
                                                                        getting  used to it. His next accident happened  in
              the road.
                                                                        197O, but with a different method of tnansport.
            d He never travetted by public transport  again.
                                                                        He was driving along the motorway,  when
            e He celebrated by buying his very first lottery ticl<et  -  and he
              won the jackpot!                                          suddenly his can caught fire. 5E Three  yeans
            f  He had his hip replaced in hospital.                     later, his next car caught fire at a garage.  The
            g Seventeen  peopte drowned in the icy waters, but Selak   fine swept  thnough  the car. Again, he escaped
              su rvived.                                               from the vehicle, but he lost most of his hain.
            h He managed  to escape from it just  before it exploded.
         4  wtatch the sentences (a-h) in exercise  3 with the gaps (r-z)  in
            the text. There is one sentence that you do not need.
                                                                   6 !!!flf,tn[f,  Complete  the preposition + noun phrases.
                                                                     They are al[ in the text.
         5  Are the sentences  true or false? Correct the false ones.
                                                                     1          the  (first)  time
            1 Selal< got married after winning  the lottery.
                                                                     2 travel        train
            2 The third accident  happened  when Selak was travetling  by bus.
                                                                     3 be          foot
            3 Two ofthe accidents  happened  in the 1960s.           4              first ptace
            4 Selak  was badty injured in the bus accident.             -
                                                                     5          the end
                                                                     6           fact
            5 At the time of atl seven accidents,  Selal<  was travelling  in a  -
              vehicte.                                                    -
                                                                     D  VOCNAUMRY  BUILDER  9.3:  PAGE 135 @
            6 ,On three occasions Selak  escaped from a burning  car.
                                                                        -  -
            7 Selal< feets that before he met his wife he had more bad luck
              than good  [ucl<.
            8 Selal< believes that money doesn't mal<e him happier.
      88 i  unit 9  .,  Money, money, money!
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