Page 85 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 85

!-ead-in                                                 Reading
       1 Work in pairs.  What do you l<now about the history  of your  6  Read the text below, ignoring  the missing sentences.
          town? Did it use to be                                   Choose the best titte: a, b or c. Exptain your answer.
          a bigger  or smalter? b more oi less important?          a Famous Liverpudtians past  and present.
       Listening                                                   b A turning  point in the history of Liverpool.
                                                                   c  Liverpool  through the centuries.
       2  6d :.rO Listen  to five short  scenes. Are any ofthe
          characters in alt five scenes? lf yes,  who?
                                                                      iverpool attracts many thousantls  of tourists  every
                                                                      year, and the city certainly has a lot to offer. It's a
       3  6d :.rO Read the summary sentences a-g. Then listen
                                                                      great place for culture-lovers.  I I  And ofcourse,
          again and match  one sentence with each scene. There are  football  has always playeil  an important part in the life of
          two extra sentences  thatyou do not need.              the city: Wayne Rooney and Steven  Gerartl  are both famous
          a Anna  and her friend  make  preparations for the evening.  Liverputllians.  Yisit the oltl port where these ilays you can  it
                                                                 enjoy the modern, fashionable  shops anil restaurants. But
          b Zara speculates about other people's  feetings.
                                                                 if you stop to look at the oltl builtlings,  you may realise that
          c Libby tetls Anna to make  an arrangement  with Mike.
                                                                 this part ofthe city has a rich anil interesting history.
          d Anna  invites her flatmate to  loin  them for dinner.
                                                                    During the lSth century, Liverpool's port was part of
          e Mike tetts Libby about his argument  with Anna.
                                                                 an important tratle route.  2 E This traile matle the city rich
          f  Mil<e recommends places to visit in Liverpool.
                                                                 and successful  but there is a tlark  siile to its success. The
          g Libby and Mil<e make an arrangement  to see each other.
                                                                 same ships also took slaves from Africa to the West Inilies,
                                                                 where they workeil  on the sugar plantations.  About l0
       Speal<ing                                                 million slaves were taken from their homes, until the slave
       4  trnagine  you and a friend  want to go for a coffee and a chat.  traile became  illegal in 1809.
                                                                    The entl of the slave trade tlitl not mean the enil of
          Lool< at the photos  of two possibte venues.  Which place                                                  ,:
          would you choose  and why?                             Liverpool's importance  as a port. At that time, Britain hatl  i.
                                                                 colonies all over the worltl.  3 E The population  of Liverpool
                                                                 grew; try 1880,  it hatl reachetl 600,000.  ,tI  But in fact,
                                                                 they fountl an overcrowtled  city with thousands  of homeless
                                                                 chiitlren  on the streets and fre[uent  outbreaks  ofclisease. I
                                                                    By the 20th century, Liveriool's  port was becoming  i.
                                                                 less important. 5 tr But the city now hatl a life of its own   :
                                                                 and soon became  famous  for other  things, especially
                                                                 football,  fashion antl music.  The most famous  pop group
                                                                 ever, The Beatles, were from Liverpool.  And now, at the   i'
                                                                 start of the 2lst century, the city still takes priile in all of its  l"
                                                                 achievements,  making Liverpool  one of the most excitinC  i
                                                                 places  to visit in the UK.                         i

                                                                7  Match the  gaps (1-5)  with the sentences (A-G). There  are
                                                                  two sentences  you do not need.
                                                                  A When ships brought sugar to Engtand from the West lndies,
                                                                     they arrived at Liverpool.
                                                                   B Britain  had lost most of its cotonies and trade was declining.
                                                                   C And there's  a second  team in the footbatt  Premier  League:
       Writing                                                     D However,  more and more  people fought to put a stop to the
                                                                     stave  trade.
       5  lmagine you are Libby.  Write a postcard from Liverpoo[ to a
                                                                   E Ships from Liverpool  took steet,  coaI and other goods  to
          friend back home. lnclude this information:
                                                                     these colonies.
          .  why you are there and where  you are staying          F There are more  art galleries  and museums  in Liverpootthan
          .  your first impressions  of the city
                                                                     in any other Ul( city except London.
          .  what you've done and what you're ptanning to do
                                                                   G Some of these were immigrants from lreland who came in
          .  when  you're coming home.                               search of a better Iife.
                                                                                                   Sl<itis Round-up r-s  83
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