Page 83 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 83

l.  Look at the photo and read the description.  What kind of  IEEEIIIEII  Find these adjectives  in the text. Match them
          text is it? Choose a, b, c or d.                        to the definitions betow.
          a a newspaper report      c part of a tourism  leaflet
          b part of a geography     d part  of a biography
                                                                  7           amazing; extremely  beautiful
                                                                  2           covered with trees
                                                                  3          : not neat or tidy
                                                                  4  -:       important  and from the past
                                                                  5  -:       very interesting
                                                                  6            not close together
                                                                  Use the adiectives  in exercise 3 to describe places  in your
                                                                  own country or region.
                                                                  Thorv aro lois of historic  buildings  in lho conlro ol?ornan.
                                                                ',:i  Read  the Leorn fhisl box. Then  [ool< at the words in red in
                                                                  the description  of North Devon and say,which three are
            North Devon,is the perfect  setting for a holiday  in the
                                                                  examples of introductory if.
             UK. It is situated  in the south-west  of England, and it
             takes only three hours  to get there from London  by
             train or car. But it is hard to imagine  a bigger contrast  :,l.ll!l,l  lntroductory r?
            -  or a better place to escape from the stresses of  'r   U::t,,i,:,::  1 We often use if as the subiect in sentences referring
             urban life.                                   ;   u:::-.r:iii  to time, weather,  temperature  and distance.
                                                           1   :::_-  t:,
             The North Devon  Coast is an Area of Outstanding  .   il:::'::::ll  It's midnight.  lt's Sundoy.  lt took ages to do this
             Natural Beauty, and for many visitors, it is the wide  ,   ,tt:,,:aail  exercise. lt's roining. lt's 20oC. lt's 10 km to the
             variety of breathtaking  scenery which makes  the  ,i    neorest town.
             region  so attractive. There are tall cliffs  and rocky  ii  2 We can use if when  we want to avoid starting  a
             headlands. There are wide,  sandy bays and small,  :,
                                                                      sentence  with an infinitive,  -ing form  or clause,  which
             quiet coves. There are smooth,  gentle sand dunes and  :l]
             steep, wooded hills. Or go inland and you can enjoy      often sounds unnatural or very format.
             the wide open spaces of the moors,  with their wild      It wos nice to meet you. (: Meeting you was nice.)
             scenery and isolated villages.                           It's hard to exploin. (: To explain is hard.)
             North Devon  is famous for its beaches,  but there are   It doesn't motter whot you say. (: What  you say
             plenty  of other attractions for holidaymakers.  A great  doesn't matter.)
             place for families  to visit  is Watermouth Castle.  It's a
             theme  park  as well as a historic building.         ffiffi&  UXAffiTXAR trillL*xR S.3r F&Sfi 1?3 *ffi
             This region offers day trips to suit every taste, but
             for nature-lovers,  a visit to Lundy Island is a must.  Read the exam task. Make  notes for each point in the task.
             Although it's less than five kilometres  long and one
                                                                  A travel magazine  has asked  you to write a description  of a
             kilometre  wide,  the island is home  to a wide range
                                                                  region of your own country.  Write  a description  designed to
             of fascinating wildlife.  It's a short  boat trip from the
             coast or, ifyou are feeling adventurous,  a thrilling  attract tourists  and inctude information  about:
             helicopter  ride! The place is a must-see for visitors.  .  what part of the country  you are describing
                                                                  .  the landscape and scenery
                                                                  .  places to see and visit
                                                                  .  an interesting trip or excursion.

           When writing  a description,  organise  your ideas  into  Do the exam task in exercise  5. Write 200-250  words.
            paragraphs  with separate  topics: geographical [ocation,
            physicat  description  and scenery,  activities  and
           attractions,  etc.

          Read the exam strategy. Then match paragraphs I -4  of the
          description  with four of the topics below.

                                                                                                 Unit8  Globetrotters  i81
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