Page 80 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 80
Travelling with friends
ffi Work in pairs. Describe the photos above. Then
ask and answer these questions.
1 What kind of hotiday do you think these young people are
FlililtlllllFM Match the hightighted colloquialwords in the
2 Do you prefer going away with friends or with your famity?
text with the definitions below. Look carefully at the words
Give reasons.
in context.
3 Describe a hotiday, trip orvisit you went on recentty (with
1 relaxing
or without your famity).
2 friend
3 keep somebody safe, take care ofsomebody
4 parents
When you are reading a text and you need to estabtish
5 not sure, worried
the author's intention, it is a good idea to read the first
5 cause problems orworries
and the last Iines carefu[[y. The author's intention is
often described there. 7 aware of, thinking about
ItililFlt7FM Find these acronyms in the text. Do you know
Read quickly through the article. What is the author,s main
what they stand for? Try to fill in the missing words.
intention? Choose a, b or c.
DIY: Do it
a To narrate an experience of a trip abroad with friends. BBC: Broadcasting Corporation
b To give young people advice about travelling without ASAP: As soon as _
their parents. SMS: Short service
c To warn teenagers about the dangers of travelting atone. -
{},.3:or'p$oHur{('rAitot* E) vocRg u LARy B U I LD ER 8.3 :
{ *; Read the article again. Match the summary PAGE 134 G
sentences (1-7) with paragraphs A-E. There are two extra
sentences that you do not need. Work in pairs. Plan your ideal hotiday with friends. Mal<e
1 You should thinl< about your health. notes about:
2 You should contact home if you feel worried. . the people you want to travel with
3 You should learn some useful phrases. . the ptaces you want to visit and why
4 You shoutd a[[ agree on the type of hotiday you want. !oUt accommodation and methods of transport
5 You should take care of each other while you're away. . the activities you ptan to do.
6 You should be carefulwith your money.
7 ffi Presentyourideastotheclass.
7 You should take basic medical suppties with you.
78 | UnitS u Globetrotters