Page 82 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 82

$  ffi      Work in pairs. Look at the titles  of some     Read the phrases in exercise  4 again.  Who said them, the
            hotel reviews on a travelwebsite.  How serious are the  person mal<ing  the complaint  or the person dealing with it?
            complaints,  in your opinion?  Put them in order from 1 (most
           serious) to 6 (teast  serious).                       ffi  Add the phrases  from exercise  4 to the chart below.

                                                                       Starting  a complaint
              The rudest staff       Disco  kept me awake  all         I want to complain about  .--
              :Yefl999?_  Ts_l! ?90_9
                                                                       Sympathising  with a complaint
              Freezing  cold swimming  Tiny bathroom,  no shower
              p"991.9.9-o:"                                            I do understand  why you're  unhappy about this.
                                    .g_?"99". .".. .
              S-star hotel? No wayl Only Warning:  hidden extras
                                                                        Emphasising  your discontent
                                                                       Something  needs  to be done obout this.
              ?-t!9.'--o._o-??...  9.9.9  . .
                                                                       I'm sorry, it's just  not good  enough.
         ffi ln pairs, think of three more possible  problems with hotels.
                                                                       Agreeing to act
           Write titles following the styte in exercise 1.
                                                                       l'll see what  I can do.
         3   '   ,3.08,  Listen to five                                l'll do everything I can to sort this out.
           dialogues.  Match  the problems
                                                                       Dectining to act
           (a-g) with the dialogues (1-5).
                                                                        That's really beyond our control, l'm afraid.
           There are two problems that
           you do not need.
              Some of the facitities  they
              were expecting are not there.                         ffiffi   ln pairs, practise  making and dealing with
                                                                    complaints.  Use phrases  from exercise  6. Choose a problem
              The passenger  is going  to
              have problems compteting                              and prepare a dialogue following the guide  below.  Then
              his  journey.                                         swap roles.
              They have to pay extra for
                                                                    &qffimnmgdgtu*e-prg-h-Lq*C  dir'{y ro*nt m:*sq*it*es
              some  of the facilities.                              n* r[e*n tmrn*ig ** h*t  ,oru*ter  n*ige
           d  The view is disappointing.
                                                                    rc*r* tss heit  I rerici r**ffi  tffis] srflaffi
           e  The passenger  is physically uncomfortabte.
                                                                    TV / telephmne  I  lVi-F] nu{ runrlclng  uncmmf*rtable  bed
           f  The accommodation  gets very cold when the weather    unhe{pfutst;rf{
              is bad.
                                                                    Student A: Start  a complaint.  Say what it is.
              Some of the facilities are very dirty.
                                                                    Student B: Sympathise  with the comptaint.
                                                                    Student A: Emphasise  your discontent.
                                                                    Student  B: Agree or decline to act.
             When we make a complaint,  we often speak more slowty
             and emphaticatty than  usuaI in order to make  our point  ffi  ffi   Do the speaking tasl< below in pairs, taking
             more strongly.
                                                                    turns to be A and B. Use phrases  from exercise  5 and your
                                                                    own ideas.
        & rft,3;6'g,rrfl{0fi(rE  6nr Read the speaking strategy. Then
                                                                    Student A: You are a tourist.  While staying at a hotet,  you
           listen and repeat  these phrases  from the dialogues,  copying
                                                                    have to complain  about the accommodation.  lnctude these
           the intonation.  Tick the ones which are slow and emphatic.  issues:
           1 I'd like to make a comptaint.              tr          .  There are too many noisy children.
           2 That's  just  not acceptabte.              tr          .  The restaurant closes  earty and the entertainment  is terrible.
           3 There's  really  nothing  I can do about it.   tr      .  Exptain how the probtems are affecting your stay.
           4 l'm very sorry to hear that.               tr          Student  B: You are the hotel receptionist.
           5 lt's a disgrace.                           tr          It is very late at night.  Deal with the tourist's comptaints
           6 l'm running out of patience.               n           potitely. Apotogise and / or suggest  solutions.
           7 I'm sorry to hear there's  a probtem.      tr
           8  l'm realty not happy about this.          n
           9 l'ttsort it out immediately.               tr
          10 I must apologise.                          tr
     80:  Unit 8  v  Globetrotters
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