Page 79 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 79
3, Read the text. What is strange about the photo on Sarah's .) StuOy the examples of indefinite pronouns in red in the
camera? Who might have tal<en it? text. Then complete the rules with offirmative, negative and
]t -T_." 9"t9"1 and three friends were on a walhing
holidqyinther.akeoistlic!. I! y?t seven otlock in the 4:l r w. use pronounswith some- in sentences
irseni€qtdle$airias,rl-c*-diit ltriv,ygae**nrnj lerr,::, ffi ;;l; #.;;;o requests.drru .eLluests'
,...*o,.sBeid,,r,tha.aishir Jfr.'tioo*d;t il1bei.imap. irhere's &ffi :1'' "'utrer5
- "{ 2 We use pronouns with any- iuse pronouns with any- in _
..:::i,"^;j$ili:.,.iI:jli::;::I;'Lltll;T,jij'i;*:Y1.-, " i$s$ 2 We and
nowhere within two hours' walk of here,' he said.
L^-^, L^ -^rj
h^r,-h^-^,.-i+Lr- +_^-^ L^.._^, -._^11_ ^r
,:..:T et's'ca;p inthis,'rieH then,'suggested $arah;r : ffi,lX sentences'
1ri;lq aninoil*rr,",;'.' grass. 'I'm
'Good idea,' agreed Chris, sitting down on the ffi*X 3 Wecanatsousepronounswithany-inaffirmative
..f ;g*haustea. Can I havo something to eat?, -*-a sentences when we mean it doesn't matter who /
'I don't mind. Anythingl' replied Chris. 'I've had nothing 4 When we use pronouns with no-, we use
since breakfast.' Then he turned round. 'That's stlange. . I verbs, as the meaning is already negative.
I,ihought I heard somebody.' I 5 When we use pronouns wilh every-, we use a singular
,r,.,,;:}To,. there's no one around here,' said Sarah. 'clust us.
;,.:;Maytie you heard a rabbit.l An hour later, everybody was
fast asleep inside the tent. $',mli S &i,t'1.*i,e! [ i] * l ll. t] n|i. S" ] : ]..-& {ri ['l ]: ]'ffi*
r'',The,nex$:s19r0.iq6r1:as Ohris was making tea, Sarah came
,' out.."of.,tlle,.,teht1lopkipg',,confused.'Did anyone touch my Complete the dialogue with indefinite pronouns.
' , leamefa ll&s,,l.Fighn?1,she asked.
olim.and'Ohris:$hook their heads. 'Is anybhing wrong?'
. 1-
asked elim. Sarah Look, must have taken that photo.
: .8a,rah, dldrr't say affihing - she just held out the camera I mean, 2 has a logical explanation.
, $o:ovoryo'ne could see the plcture. It showed all three Chris Perhaps 3 went wrong with the camera.
' frlends fast asleep in iheir sleeping bags.
Sarah It was in my bag when we went to bed!
, . Nobody said an#chin$ for a iew moments. Then Sarah lim Maybe 4- came into the tent during the
slarted packing her.bag,'''Itrsrtime to $o,1 she said. night and took the photo.
'\[here?' asked.]im. 5-
,. rArywhere,' replied Sartah. 'Let's just grab everything Chris Was 6-.7- missing from your bag? Money?
and gol' Sarah No, 8 is still here.
Chris I knew strange was going on. l'm sure
I heard watking around. Don't you
remember, Sarah?
Sarah Yes, I do remember. But I couldn't see
in the fietd.
Chris But even if was in the fietd, that
doesn't reatty exptain anything. How did they
open the tent without waking us up?
Jim And how did they find the camera? Perhaps they
were looking for12-to stea[.
Sarah But they didn't take 13- * and there was
ptenty of money in the bag. lt's very odd! Are you
sure it isn't one of your jokes, Chris? 'o-
knows you love tricking people.
3 Look at the examples of indefinite pronouns in red in the
text. Complete the table.
1$ Complete the questions with indefinite pronouns.
lf you could visit in the wortd, where woutd
you go?
Do you think the world would be better or worse if
I anybody -s-9-T-9!_99y. 1 gyeryu9lv l ever trave[[ed by ptane?
anywhere -}*--.1."- :r 3 Would you prefer to live very hot or very cotdl
l -:ugtm-e - -i"gye ry-t I rc. 4 Do you think witl ever travel backwards in time?
ffi ln pairs, ask and answer the questions in
exercise 5. Give reasons for your answers.
Unit8 . Globetrotters i 77