Page 74 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 74

Reading                                                      lnside the farmhouse
        f:'.                Workinpairs.Makeuiti.tiitt".              A there's  enough room to ptay batt games.
         ' : advantages'  and ditadyantages,of, liying in.the, city, and, tiving.  B the stairs make a lot of noise.
            in the country.  Then compare your  answers with your partner.  C there are very interesting  lights.
                                                                      D the floors  upstairs aren't very thick.
         2  Oo the exam task.                                         Which is true about the [iving room?
                                                                      A lt's a bit dark  as the windows  are very  smatt.
                                                                      B Each window  lool<s out onto different  scenery.
           Read the text and choose the correct  answers:  A, B, C or D.  C The window  had to be changed  recently.
                                                                      D The window  is good for observing animats.
           A few years  ago I moved with my famity from the city to
                                                                    4 The narrator
           the country, and we now [ive in an old farmhouse on the
                                                                      A can't wait to move  back to the city.
           edge of a viltage.  The house itsetf was buitt in the 1800s
                                                                      B used to Iike the city sights and sounds.
           and [ooks  like something out of a nove[.  lt's an otd stone
                                                                      C steeps onty a few hours a day.
            house  with very thick walls. These watls make the house
                                                                      D wanted to move  here for the views.
           stow to heat up in the winter, so we always  have a fire in
                                                                    5 According  to the text, the narrator
           the living room fireptace in the winter months. And it is
                                                                      A stitt prefers  the city.
           atways cooI inside in the summer -  too coot,  actua[[y,  as
                                                                      B has got used to Iiving in the country but doesn't
           the Engtish summers never get that warm!
                                                                         feel happy.
            For an old house,  the ceilings are quite  high,  but they  c  is happy tiving in the farmhouse in the country.
           are atso very thin. They  are  just  the wooden floors of the  D  is planning  to move back to the city.
            upstairs rooms.  When the Iights are on in the kitchen, they
           shine through the ftoorboards  into the bedroom above!
           And when  you walk around upstairs, you can hear every  SrPga,king,',';',:",',   :,,:,
            step downstairs.  Downstairs,  the floors are made of black  3,,Do,the,exam',task.
            stone and are old and uneven. ln fact, the whole  house
            isn't straight.  lf you put a batt in the middle of the dining
            room, it ro[[s immediately  into the far right-hand  corner.  Compare and contrast the two photos. Answer  the
           The best thing about the house is the living room. lt is a
            lovely, Iight room and I can spend hours  looking  out of the
           window. The view is made  even  more interesting  because
           the window  has the original  glass  in it, and each small
            pane  of glass  is different  and alters  the view outside.
            From the sofa you can look straight  out into the garden,
            and to the fields  beyond.  The scene  is atways changing
            and there is always  something to see, incIuding  lots of
            different  wildlife.
            It has taken me a while to appreciate this view, though.
            For a [ong time I missed  the noise and the bustte of city
            life. I preferred  to see peopte, shops and buses  on myway
           to school, not fietds and trees.  And it took me a long while
           to be able to sleep  wetl at night  -  it was too quiet! Now
            I've got used to country [ife. I cycle everywhere  and I tike
           the space  and freedom.  But I never wait too long before
           going back and visiting my old friends  in the cityl
            1 The otd farmhouse
              A was buitt by the narrator's family.                   What are the main differences between  the two ptaces
                                                                      to live: a flat in the city and a house in the country?
              B was described in a book a long time ago.
              C takes a very  [ong time to get warm.                  What could be good or bad about living in the city
              D is better for the summer  than for the winter.        or the countryside?
                                                                    3  ls it better to rent a place  or save up and buy your own?
                                                                    4  Which ptace would you prefer to tive in? Why?

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