Page 73 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 73
ffi Worl< in pairs. Ask and answer this question. Presenting an argument
lf you could have fewer or more brothers and sisters, how It is true / clear that ... lt is hard to deny that ...
many would you have? Why? It can be argued that ... Some people argue thot ...
Presenting an opposing argument
Read the exam strategy and the introduction to the essay.
On the other hand, ...
Which two of the techniques (a-c) does the writer use?
However, some people argue that ...
Other people take the opposite view ond cloim thqt ...
ln the introduction to the essay, you should show that
Read the exam strategy. ldentify an example or a
you understand the titte of the essay, and what the essay
supporting statement for each argument in the essay.
needs to cover. You can do one or more ofthese things:
a make one or two general statements which retate to
the topic and / or give some background information.
b rephrase the statement to show that you understand Fottow each argument in your essay with an exampte
the main issue. or a supporting statement.
c give a brief introduction to both sides of the 1 Argument fottowed by example:
argument. Only children get more privacy. For example, they
don't have to share o bedroom.
2 Argument fottowed by supporting statement:
:::l Read the essay. Which paragraph puts forward arguments
Children from lorge families are rarely lonely. There's
(a) for the'statement in the title? (b) against the statement?
always someone to talk to.
Read the Learn this! box and the conclusion ofthe essay.
It's better to be an only child than to
What is the writer's opinion? Do you agree with him / her?
come from a large family.
Discuss. Why? / Why not?
In the past it was common for married couples to have a iot of chilc.lren
For and against essay conclusion
Nowadays, couples are increasingiy choosing not to have chilclren at
1 You can begin the conclusion with:
all, or io have just one chilcl. The question *i nuud io answer is: is lile
To sum up / ln sLtmmory, I would soy that ...
2 You should give your opinion. This coutd be a
better for chiidren who grow up without brothers and sisters?
balanced view, or you may agree with the statement
It is hard to deny that chilclren with no brothe rs or sisters gei more
in the title, or you may disagree with it.
attention from their parents than children in iarge families. This can
make them feel more confident anci secure. It rs arso true that brothers
You are going to write an essay entitled Friends hove more
ancl sisters in large families often argue a lot. They have to share
possessions and living space, a beclroom for example, ancj this can lead influence than family on teenogers.
1 Plan the second and third paragraphs. Think of two
to conflict. An only chilcl cloes not face this probiem.
arguments for the statement and two against.
2 Think of an example or a supporting statement for each
On the other hancl, chilclren with no brothers or sisters may some times
of the arguments.
feellanely, as they have no one at home to piay with. They have to fincl
3 Read the exam strategy in exercise 2 and plan the
friends to play with in their free time, and tho ,uy be clifficult if they do
not live in a iarge community-. It can also be argued that they are often
'spoilt'. 4 Read the second Learn this! box again. Decide whatyour
opinion is and ptan the conclusion.
Their parents girze them whatever thny Iuunt, una so they don,t
learn to share or to co-operate wiih other people.
Write the essay (200-250 words).
3 ,:* up, there are clearly some aclvantages to being an only chiid,
but also some disacjvanta3es.
it depends on personal e"xperience ancl
individual circumstances. In my view, it s better to have brothers and
si:lcrs. bul I'm lrom a Jargc iamill I
Read the Learn this! box. Find four ofthe phrases in
paragraphs 2 and 3 of the essay.
Unit 7 Real relationships 71