Page 78 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 78
ffi Describe the photo. ll?iliil:lmfM Match the adjectives in red in the text with
Where do you think this man the definitions (r-S).
is? Why is he there?
1 not having success 5 appearing dangerous
2 causing death 6 difficutt
3 brave 7 very tiring
4 wett-known, for bad 8 a long way from other
reasons ptaces
f.t :,gS Listen to the account of Captain Scott's last
expedition. Did Scott die on the way to the South Pole, at
the South Pole or on the way back?
6 dt :.OS Listen again. Choose the correct answers.
, TheBlifish,trqdilion,of,explorersdgtesrboc! centurieg,
, when,rnlfefi$,r'nensetiff,oqrossthe*cguh,to.oiscoyer- :,:'.;:
: lcnds.i-The"pubilic hs'yqglwqys looked r.rp,tothese.exp'loJeiS,r;,r.,,.
, os',hbroes, ieven i{*reywereunsuecegsfuf:,these, doys"'rnos1,'"- . ii], r rr'," main aim of Scott's
expedition was to
i !r' pf oles in; the wp;ld,: hcva olfeody heeh dlgs,pvered, bur the re
tne 5outn Pole.
i .tli the South Pole.
r,, ore slill :plen g[ rqrTrste legiop,'@re]ii,$:tho t te n g in g - o n d tiiL
ii;t aexptore breach
; r tsriti$ my,,ccpt*in;'hos eontinupd:lhqr$iifish irodition of c draw a map of
, I,,explor^ .,tnr20&.he,.co lt#didr,ec,gfd"breoking iourney dji Z fi,e first part of the expedition
ro when he becqme lhe first person to trek the enlire lenglh of went badty because of
lhe Amozon River. He slorl,ed ol the source of lhe river, which tl
I , is inthe-rnountqinsot Pelu ond finished asg',doyiiondj{Forrt r.'i .!:ln
,ii;r, a bad weather b illness
, fhe ,8ro1i1,.,,j, .,,...,.. ,.,, .,.,.,.1,,.i, ili c exhaustion
. 7;000rkm loe1oh nilontic cosst of
One of the biggesl chollenges wos deoling with wildlife.
1i;', f Wnen they reached the South
ts Stofford ond his porlner come ocross eleclric eels, lethol
iii Pole, Scott and his men felt
vipers ond gionl onocondos. As if thot wosn't enough,
Stofford suffered on eslimoted 50,000 mosquito bites ond o
tropicol fly loid its eggs in the skin of Stofford s heod. Three lli a confused b detighted
,,monthslnto'theit*rue,ltin$;rpurhey;,Stoflor;fl's portner gove up : ilii c disaPpointed
:;1t 4 Oates went outside in terrible;.i.l....,',i,1.','..1,...,.,;.':....:.l].
Bul some of the humons he encountered were even more ;ii weather conditions because
threoteningthonthewildlife.Stoffordhodbeenworned iii he had decided to .
lo stoy owoy from certoin notorious villoges, but on one ii,' a get help b die
occosion he wos chosed by five or six boots full of ongry c continue his journey
25 locols. They were ormed with guns ond bows ond orrows. 5 In the end, ofthe
,,i.' -
Stof thiugtrittret, were g9i1'g 1o 1q11161p ,AUlrih'fqgij.i ., five men in the group died.
: I, -,,
villoger ehiel sceornpqnied Siof fo rd ior 4z O oygol,thqrWk tr :,
a three b four c atl
ond ihetrenled uO beeoming good frier,rdq:
H &'f.Oa Read the text and find the answers to the
questions in exercise 1.
? ffi Worl< in pairs. Discuss these questions.
B Are these sentences true or false? 1 What personaI qualities are important for an explorer?
Do you have those qualities?
1 British explorers only become nationaI heroes if they are
2 Do you l<now any other famous explorers? What ptaces
very successfu[.
did they explore and / or discover?
2 Ed Stafford's expedition lasted more than two years.
3 lf you had to go on an expedition to exptore a remote
3 His route crossed internationaI borders.
part of the world, where would you go? Do you think you
4 Stafford watked on his own for part of the journey.
woutd enjoy it or hate it? Give reasons.
5 The biggest danger he faced was the witdtife.
6 Stafford was injured by some of the locats. E) VOCRAULARY BUILDER 8.2: PAGE 134 G
Z6 Unit 8 *, Globetrotters