Page 75 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 75
Use of Engtish
7 (fi z.:t Do the exam task.
Ir oo the exam task.
Listen and decide if the sentences are true or false.
Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap.
Birth order theory
ln 1908, Atfred Adler, a contemporary 1- Freud and
Jung, first put forward the idea that a child's personality
is deepty affected by when it is born in relation to its
: :::2 ::,Matt-i5:.fi1othef ,eni6urage.dr,h6r,,so.iist'kt
siblings. He suggested that etdest children are sociatty rrr
dominant, highty intettectuat, and extremely conscientious. be creative.
Unfortunatety, they're atso less open 2 new ideas,
3 As a chitd, Matt loved to pretend he was
and prone to perfectionism and peopte-pleasing - the someone else.
result 3 Iosing both parents' undivided attention
a an early age, and working throughout their lives r,,,,4,:.:H isrfirEtt.liti aeess.{€m e, wh en::he. nt€tr,',,rr,:
5- get it back. Ben Affleck.
6 gp41,itg:wa1:tU.Cg,a6!fq:t':tha,nks1,,,';.1,,1',,,,1,,1,:,1:,1111,1:
Middte children, sandwiched older and younger ,,.':5,,,:600iC,litli{l
sibtings, often develop a competitive nature - making to Matt's fame.
them natural entrepreneurs later in tife. They tend to be rrr6.i Matt,drj€inatr: d,avote,ral.lrih:iEr:tiniei:and:rr::.:rii
the 7 diplomatic and ftexibte members of the family
a,nd, eager for parentaI praise, often devetop musicaI or i:;:.:i1;1ti9i.r1e!,$y1:!!:;1lti*$:..1,.:,,,,,,'..:l::t,,:rr1:,.,.:''r.ll,.rl::,.'...,:
academic sl<itts.
Youngest children, according Adler's theory, tend Speaking
to be dependent and selfish - as they're used to others
I regftffifi$f,fiflf, Workin pairs. Read the situations
providing for them. ' , despite the negatives, they're (1-4) ana discuss what you think might have just happened.
atso quite often fun, confident, and good 10
1 Chitdren are laughing,
entertaining others.
2 A businessman is running and [ooking at his watch.
3 A girl is hotding her head.
Listening 4 A man is standing next to a car in the middte of the road.
, I!|EEEEEffi worK rn parrs. AsKano answer
9 Do the exam task.
the questions.
7 Are your parents very strict?
2 Shoutd parents give their chitdren everything they want? Describe the picture. Then answer the questions.
Why / Why not?
1 What do you thinl< has happened to the chitd?
How can parents hetp their chitdren to be successful?
2 Woutd you Iil<e to [ook after very young children?
Complete the phrases (r-6) using the prepositions below. Why? / Why not?
3 Describe a situation when you comforted someone who
about for for in of on was reatty sad.
1 to live in the USA some of the time
2 to know something - advance
3 to have a huge influence someone
4 to be obsessive - something
5 to win an Oscar- a screenptay
6 to be proud your chitdren
Get Ready for your Exam 4 i.l,lg-._,;';r::