Page 72 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 72

g  ffi     Lool< at the photos.  Compare the restaurants.  Do you agree with her choice? Why?

           Use the adjectives  below.
                                                                    Read the Learn this! box. Checl< the meanings of the words
           &#.[ea]tj$_es_t#  des_ry*&ese*.ues  i:*ni*g hright eh**p
                                                                    in red. Use a dictionary  to help you, if necessary.
           *r*ir';de*.i  darlc  exp*l'rsir-,*  f*rr'*;ri friendiy il'll**til'i;:i
           liv*[y noi*y qui*t r*n:*r:i:c  [r';reliii**a]. trendy
                                                                     Expressing contrast
                                                                     We can use expressio nslike however,  in contrqst,
                                                                     nevertheless, and on the other hand  althe start of
                                                                     a sentence  to make a contrast with a point in the
                                                                     sentence before.
                                                                     The cafd in photo L looks quite cheap.  ln contrast,  photo
                                                                     i looks  really posh.
                                                                     We can use expressions like whereas,  but and although
                                                                     to make a contrast between  two points  in the same
                                                                     sente  n ce.
                                                                     The restaurant in photo 1 is informal, whereas  the one in
                                                                     photo  2 is  formal.

                                                                 S ,.&:2,  0  pRonunl(l#rtol't  Listen and repeat the phrases
                                                                    from the Leorn thist box, copying the intonation.

                                                                     Make sure you mention things that you can see in the
                                                                     photos when  you compare  and contrast them, and justify
                                                                     your choice.

                                                                 v  ffi      Read the exam strategy. Then took at the photos
                                                                    and do the exam tasl<. Use the adiectives in exercise  1 and
                                                                    the phrases in exercise 3 and the Learn this! box to help you.
                                                                    You are planning a surprise birthday  party  for a friend who is
                                                                    coming  from the USA.  Which  of these restaurants  w,outd you
                                                                    choose and why?  Why wouldn't  you choose the other ptaces?
         ffi  ',&::Zg,  Look again at the photos  and read the exam task
            below. Listen  to a student  answering the questions.  Which
            restaurant  did she choose  and why?                                                        :i
           You need to talk about a problem  with  a good  friend who is                                I
           visiting  from the UK. Which  of these places woutd you
            choose to meet  in and why?  Why wouldn't  you choose the
            other places?
         S  ,&2,29,  Comptete  the sentences  with the words below.
           Then listen again and check.
            hesf *ertain[5r' ri'ln*ss {*riits lnip-ht i}pt *v*rx[[
            prmh[em t*#
            1 I'm going  to      the restaurant in photo  1.
            2 The         with the restaurant in photo  3 is that it's
            3 I wouldn:t       for the restaurant in photo  2 because
              it   -    too formal.
            4 lt        be quieter than the other restaurants, but it
                       woutdn't be cheap.
            5 So,        the restaurant  in photo 1 woutd be
     70i  Unit 7  "  Rea[ relationships
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