Page 67 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 67

STAYIIVG IN TOUCH                                         Read the Learn this! box. Then  match  the words in btue in
                                                                   the text with points  1-4.
          Modern life is getting
          busier and busier. And the                                Comparison
          busier it gets, the more                                  1 We often use a supertative with the present perfect
          isolated  people  can feel.                                 and ever:
          These days,  people  have                                   That's the least  funny film  l've ever seen.
          fewer opportunities  to                                     We can make comparisons with simple nouns:
          meet friends, because                                       She's  more confident than her brother.
          they work harder,                                           and atso with clauses:
          and have less time to                                       She's less talkative than she used to be.
          socialise. Some say that                                    We use double comparatives to say that something  is
          social-networking sites                                     changing:
          allow  them to stay in                                      You're getting taller ond toller!
          touch with friends more                                     We use the ... the and comparatives to say that one
          easily. Sue Urleeks decided                                 thing changes with another:
          to test this theory. She stayed  in for a week and only     The more t eat, the  fotter  I get.
          contacted  her friends via Facebook,  one of the most
          popular  social-networking sites.  Her view?'lt  was great  *r.  ffi   Worl<  in pairs.  Ask and answer questions  using a
          for stayin5l in touch with friends I don't see very often  superlative  form and the present perfect  with ever. Use the
          or who live far away,  but it wasn't the most exciting   prompts  below and your own ideas.
          week l've ever had.'The least appealing  aspect for Sue
                                                                   1 interesting  book /  read  4 attractive  person  / meet
          was not seeing the people  she gets  on with best. Her
                                                                   2 good  friend  /  have  5 [ong phone ca[[ / make
          final verdict:  'lt  was more fun than I expected,  but it's
                                                                   3 boring fitm  /  see    5 good party  /  go to
          less satisfying than meeting people face to face.'
                                                                    W h atl's,th  e m o 5t /  I  I e a,st i nte re st5[*J.u,:r,   ?_,
        1  Read the text. Do you use social-networl<ing sites to  L                                      "  .:19:T1d
          contact friends? Why?  lWhy  not? Do you agree with Sue's
          opinions?                                               ffiF fiR&S*M&R tij11,*UX 7"?: PS,*F t;i'  &ffi
                                                                   Complete  sentence B so that it means the same as sentence
                                                                  A. Use the words in brackets.
                                                                   1 A I didn't expect  speed dating to be so easy.  (than)
                                                                     B Speed dating was
                                                                   2 A Mum is a faster driverthan  Dad.  (stowty)
                                                                     B Dad               Mum.
                                                                     A My partner's  got more  money than  me. (less)
                                                                     BI                mV partner.
                                                                   4 A This is the cheapest  W in the shop.  (expensive)
                                                                     B This is             W in the shop.
                                                                     A No team scored  fewer  goats than Ptymouth. (fewest)
                                                                     B Plvmouth scored
                                                                     A lt's getting  increasingty  difficutt to meet  peopte. (and)
       X  Read the Learn  this! box. Then  match  the words in red in  B lt's getting          to meet people.
          the text with the descriptions  (1-7).
                                                                S ffi       Completethe sentences usingstructuresfrom
          1 A comparative form of an adjective with /ess.
                                                                   the Learn  thisl boxes. Then  read them to your partner  and
          2 A supertative form of an adiective with ledsf.
                                                                   compare  your answers.
          3 A comparative form of an adverb wilh more.
          4 A comparative form of an adverb  with -er.             1 The older you get  ...
                                                                   2 Britain is much  ...
          5 An irregular superlative  form of an adverb.
                                                                   3 I'm getting  more and more  ...
          6 An uncountable noun with /ess.
                                                                   4 The harder I work...
          7 A superlative  form of an adjective with mosf.
                                                                   5 l'm ... than I was  ...
          ffi}  .?r,u'-'t  ;-{  ,}   :'.\q,  I  {iI
                                                                                             Unit 7 ', Rea[ relationships  io,
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