Page 63 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 63
:ll, Read the advert. Would you enioy this hotiday? Why? lWhy not?
I Direct questions often sound too familiar for a formal l
letter. lt is more polite to use indirect questions
beginning with these phrases:
Could you tell me ...? Could you please let me know ...?
l'd be interested in knowing ... Please let me know ...
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me ... l'd like to know ...
l'd be grateful if you could tell me ...
Read the writing strategy. Find questions in Oscar's letter
Mur&er tflysterY which are formal equivalents of:
Csmbine a triP tO London with the chance 1 ls there any free time on Thursday or Friday?
to take Part in a special . weekend evenL:: 2 Which hotetwittwe be staying at?
3 Which of the tours are atready fulty booked?
XS$ frHee$Jurlil itlii'.*r& F;t\{i{ 11S {ff&
'{3 :i,, Vvsyk in pairs. Write three direct questions that you could
wtro-lF t asl< about a restaurant. Then swap questions and rewrite
Baker '1. your partner's questions as indirect questions.
,[1r110n Friday_evtq:ing1,ou ses.Agath" CfrrrJjii _-
Tbe Mousetrap r,.h \{hat tima doesiho re,slauranl c\oso?
Junctay, the excitement really begins. Someone at l'd llfa to Knor^r what time iho roslauranl c\otot.
r,9,11r,,'}io-tg!is..rounddead,andr.t]1;;.;"i-i"* d
,detectivei'que3t.,ion witnesses, el r". and ,r* a . I the letter.
solve the mystery. "ofl""t J --
For more details, contacr Bob Clarke at M M Tours.
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,{nful f"ry $oo*.c}l- ;d;.;il;i :r,:.,:,:11r Verbs with two objects
lll::,l.l,: Some verbs can be fotlowed by both an indirect and
u 6ir..t object. The indirect object comes first and is
,,:t, Read the notes that Oscar added to the advertisement. Then iii:::,l:::l usuatly a person.
read his letter. What information does he forget to asl< for? 1:;:::::ll Sm bought his mum some flewers.
"""""': My friend sent me an emoil.
Dear Mr Clarke, &S& S&&rl{e{&R s*iLsra S,5r P&frH 1}* {ffi
Ilaving read your advertisement in News WeekTy'
I am very interested in attending one of your
Murder Mystery Tours, but would be grateful if lmagine you are interested in booking the Murder Mystery
you could give me some more information about l Tour. Plan a formal letter to Mr Clarl<e. Ask for information
some of the arrangements' . about these aspects ofthe holiday:
Could you teII me if there is any free time on . meeting time and meeting place in London,
. costumes for the weekend event and acting involved.
theatre- ticket is included in the price of the . cost of meats and availabitity of vegetarian meats.
holidaY? . reduced prices for students and for sharing rooms.
I'd also like to know which hotel in London we
will be suaying at, so I can look at its website' Write a formal letter asking for information. Write 72O-t50
Ideal1y, I would like to book the holiday before words using your notes from exercise 6.
the end of the year' Would you mind sending me a
complete list of dates for September and October?
please 1et me know which of the tours are already
fuIly booked.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course'
Yours sincerelY,
0scar Daor
Mr O Deer
Unit 6 Mystery 61