Page 60 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 60
t You are going to read about a famous German mystery A, S& Z.f e Read the text quicldy. Match the paragraphs (A-E)
story. What other famous mystery stories do you l<now? with the headings (1-6). There is one extra heading that you
do not need.
1 His fame spreads 4 Atone in a strange city
2 Were his stories true? 6 A strange chitdhood
5 A mysterious murder?
3 Reunited with his real
ffiffiffiffiffiffi parents
Nuremberg. It wasn't a serious injury,, and Kq.spai got over it.
ffiffiWffiffiffi 1833; Hauser came home with'a deep knite wound in
his chest, saying someone had attacked him in a garden. Three
days later. Kaspar died from the wound. Iust before he died,
Kaspar told the police that his attacker had given him a bag,
so the police went to the garden and looked for it. They lound
Ot'['z6ru Mrv] r8zg, THE pEoptr or NunruBERG rN
it, with a note inside. The note was in mirror writing and said,
in German: want to tell you about mysel L l come from the
ALoNE THRoucH THE sTREETs. When they came across
Bavarian border, on the river.'
h i m, he had no possessions excepI for two old letrers. Because
ofhis behaviour and appearance, they took him to the police
station. Kaspar spent the next two months in prison, where
Over the years, books have been written about Kaspar's stories
he hardly spoke and refused all food except lor bread and
and various historians have looked into them. Most have
water, Some people assumed that Kaspar had glown up alone
conc,luded that the stories were untrud and that Kaspar Hauser
in the forest, like a wild animal. But gradually, a different
was a liar who killed himsell- (possibly by mistake). But for
picture emerged.
some people, Kaspar Hauser's life and death remain one of lhe
most mysterious stories in history.
lBl I
Kaspar said hehad spenthis whole childhood in a small dark
cell, He had never seen the world outside or left his cell. He
had never met or spoken to another human being. The cell
was empty apart from a small bed and one toy - a wooden
horse. He ciaimed that he had found bread and water in
his cell every morning. According to Kaspar's account, a
mysterious man had begun to call on him shortly before his
release. Th9 man never showed his face.
Kaspar became well-known throughou! Germany and in
other countr,ieq too, and people found his story fascinating.
Some sugggstgd, that Kaspar waq lhe son of a rich and
powerful man - a prince perh4ps - who wanted to keep his
identity secret. A schoolteacher called Friedrich Daumer met
Kaspar and agreed to look alter him. Daumer taught him
various subjects and encouraged Kaspar's talent lor drawing.
One day in 1829, Kaspar was found with a knife wound to
his head. He claimed that a man with a hood over his face
frad attacked him - the same man who had brought him to
58: Unit6 Mystery