Page 56 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 56
Vocabulary r compound nouns r easily confused words r inseparable phrasal verbs
Grammar r reported speech (statements) r sdy and tel1 r reported speech (questions)
. must have, mightlcould have, can't hove r indirect questions r verbs with two objects
Speaking r decidingwho committed a crime r speculatingaboutan event
Writing r a formal [etter
llilifGmEFM Find these things in the living room at
Riverford Manor. What other obiects can you identify?
Compound nouns armchair ashtray bookcase
coffee table curtain rail fireplace floorboards
footstooI lamp shade oil painting rocking chair
sideboard table lamp walt tight watlpaper windowsill
2 rr$& '.,it*tllri?illillluliil Match the objects in exercise l with
the materials they are made from. (Some obiects are made 4 Look at your answers to exercise 3. Which nouns refer to a
from more than one material.) Then listen and check.
specific part of something and which specify it! purpose?
Materials china fabric glass leather marble paper XE VOCIAULARY BUILDER 6.1: PAGE 132 @
The armchair b maAe of wood and \ealher. 5 Bm?mfr{ Work in pairs. Look at the picture of the living
room at Riverford Manor. There has been a burgtary last
night. Decide what happened and telt the class your ideas.
6 !ffi*.Ee$ Listen to lnspector Dalton tatking to his assistant.
Who does he think took the painting? Are his ideas similar
to your ideas in exercise 5?
7 i,t$,+E#$i Listen again. What three clues help the tnspector
3 E![f@t[ Read the Learn this!box. Then comptete
reach his conclusion? Talk about:
the compound nouns using the words betow. Check in a
1 the ftower bed 2 the windowsill 3 the coffee table
dictionary to see if they are written as one word or two.
book chair flower hair key tight window writing HrY{Sffi Work in pairs. Decide what happens next in the
t hote 5 story. Then tell the class.
2 6 _brush D VOCRBULARY BUTLDER 6.2: PAGE 132 tR?a
3 7 _paper
4 8 _teg
51.:i unit6 * Mystery