Page 61 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 61
Police found a mysterious letter inside a bag
a in Kaspar Hauser's room, after his death.
The order of the questions usually fol[ows the content of b in the place where Kaspar Hauser died.
the text. Read the questions first, then the text and ifyou c near a river in Bavaria.
are not sure of the answer, eliminate the options which
d in the place where Kaspar Hauser was attacked.
are definitely incorrect first. This should help you to
Most historians today believe that Kaspar Hauser
narrow down your ariswers and focus your reading.
a was the son of a Bavarian prince.
b was one of the most mysterious people in history.
3 Read the exam strategy and choose the correct answers. c invented the story of his tife.
1 People in Nuremberg took Kaspar Hauser to the police d did not really die from the knife wound.
station because
a he was carrying two letters. 4 !@EMil Match the hightighted phrasalverbs in the
b he said he wanted to be a soldier. text with the definitions below.
c he was acting strangely. 1 to study or investigate something
d he had no possessions. 2 to visit somebody
Before Kaspar totd his story, some peopte believed that 3 to recover from something
4 to try to find something
he had grown up
a in prison. 5 to take care of somebody or something
b with his father, in a forest. 5 to find somebody or something by chance
c without any people around him. D VOCRBULARY BUILDER 6.3: PAGE 732 @
d in a normaI home.
According to his story, Kaspar spent the first years of 5 fif'#mflF Which of these events from Kaspar Hauser's life
his tife do you find strangest? lf his story wasn't true, how would
a in a darkcettwith a mysterious man. you exptain them?
b in a dark cetlwith absolutety nothing in it. 1 He was found wandering the streets alone.
c in thd garden of a mysterious stranger. 2 He could only say a few words when they found him.
d alone and always indoors. 3 He was found with a knife wound.
Some people suggested that Kaspar Hauser was 4 He was attacked in a garden and died three days later.
a from another country. 5 A note containing a mysterious message was found after
b reatly an artist. his death.
c the son of a schoolteacher. 6
d from a wealthy famity. fffi?TffiB Work in pairs. Discuss whether you think Kaspar
Hauser's story is true. Then have a class vote.
Between 7829 and 1833, Kaspar Hauser suffered
a two knife wounds, but they weren't serious.
7 ffiffif;fffl Work in pairs. Look at the film posters. Do you
b two knife wounds, one small and one fatal.
know any of these fitms in which the main character's
c two very serious knife wounds.
true identity is kept secret? Discuss (a) Why you think the
d two knife wounds on the same occasion.
character's identity needs to b'e a secret, and (b) other
possible reasons for hiding your true identity.