Page 62 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 62
g ffi Read the news report. Work in pairs and decide & Work in pairs. Read the newspaper headlines and thinl<
what happened to the people on board the boat. Tellthe class. about what might have happened. Make notes.
1 $3,000 Ferrari destroyed by fire in car park
2 Footballer found unconscious in hotel room
3 Missing cat returns home after ten years
,60 2:20 Listen to teenagers talking about the headlines in
YACHT FOUND DESEBTED exercise 4. Do they mention any of your ideas?
A large, luxury yacht has been found deserted
off the coast of Monaco. There were no gb '$
signs of an accident or a fight. According to e,:O Listen again. Which explanation (a, b or c) do
reiords, the yacht left port with twelve people they agree is most tikety in each case?
on board: the owners - a Russian billionaire 1 a lt was an accident.
and his wife - and ten crew members' The b Somebody was jeatous of the car's owner.
personal possessions of the twelve missing
c The owner had argued with somebody.
people were still on the Vach-t,
2 a The footballer took drugs.
b He hit his head during a match.
ffi ,ft ?rlg', Read and listen to two teenagers discussing c He was attacked by a robber.
the news report. Do they rnention any of your ideas from 3 a The cat found its old house by accident.
exercise 1? Which explanation do they agree is most tikety? b The cat's new owner died.
c The cat's new owner moved away.
Tyler Have you seen this story about a deserted boat?
(il 2,2,t. Brol{t}ltict o,H Read the speaking strategy. Then
Kayla Yes. lt's weird. What do you think happened?
listen and repeat the phrases, copying the intonation. '
Tyler They coutd have been attacked by pirates, I guess.
Kayla I doubt it. There aren't any pirates in the
We can use these phrases to react to another person's
Tyler Hmm. Or they might have gone swimming and
been kitted by sharks.
No way! No, that's not possible. I don't think so.
Kayta That isn't very tikety. They can't have alI gone
I doubt it. That's unlikely. Thot's not very likely.
swimming at the same time.
Maybe. Perhaps. Yes, thot's possible.
Tyler I see what you mean. That would be crazy!
Yes, thot's quite likely. I suppose so.
Kayla The crew could have kitted the owners, stolen their
Yes, you're probobly right. Definitely!
money and then escaped.
Tyler Yes, that's quite likety. But where are the bodies?
Kayla They must have thrown the bodies into the sea. ffi Work in pairs. Read the headline below and
Tyler Hmm. Yes, I thinkyou're right. think about possible explanations. Use the words below to
help you or your own ideas.
B Read the Learn this! box. Underline the examples of
elrr.ig-deaters inhidirTg kidl,l*pp*d lxul.cisreel
could have, might hove, must hove and can't have in the
*n {}:e run r*hhers st*[s*
dialogue in exercise 2. Match them to the opinions of the
speakers a-c.
a lt's impossible - it didn't happen.
b lt's possible - maybe it happened. BUSINESSMIN
c lt's definite - it happened. DISIPPEINS TNOM
Speculating about the past LEIVING $100,000 IN
We can use these phrases - could / might have, GISH IN SUITGISE
must hove, can't hove - to speculate about the past.
They are atI followed by a past participte.
Where's my phone? I must have left it somewhere. ln pairs, write a dialogue like the one in exercise 2. Use your
ideas from exercise 8. lnclude three possible explanations
I can't have left it ot school - I didn't toke it there.
My sister might hove picked it up. and agree on the most likely. lnclude phrases from the
speaking strategy.
ffip *ft&&{ffi.&q eil}Lmf;K 6.} **r{tI*, "t,i.Y q.q{q gffi ffi Act out your dialogue to the class. How many of
your classmates agree with your conclusion?
60i Unit 6 ,, Mystery