Page 58 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 58
ffi What is a crime novel? What characters
and events would you expect to see in a crime novel? Linster hides in a cupboard' But instead of Mrs
Elliston, the next person lo enter the room is
tr Read the first paragraph of a story by the crime writer
Edmund Crispin. Then work in pairs and decide what losephine, a servant, wno triis on Mrs Elliston's coat and some of
'the job'is. her iewellerY'
t was then that Linster moved out of the clothes cupboard'
Max Linster went through the small side gate and saw the
large house in front of hlm. Not far u*ry, u church clock H. **t silently up behind her' He watched her face in the
told him that it was ten oblock. He had iralf an hour to do mirrof and was still a metre or two away when she saw him
the job. At midnight, a prir,rate plane would take off for ,"Ji"*.A"t"und' But his left hand was large and fast' It closed
Europe from a lonely field in Norfolk, and Linster. planned ;; her narrow throat' She made no sound as she died " '
to be on it even if his last job in England was not successfiil. put her bodv on the bed' then covered her with
a blanket. It took o.,ly a few minutes to open the cupboards and
B ft Z.fe Listen to the next part ofthe story and ;;;;i""k untidy. He looked at the little jewellery box' then
checl< your ideas for exercise 2. threw it under the bed'
& $f, Z.f e Listen again. Choose the correct word in under the blanket. He said,'It - it's done?'
these sentences. 'Yes,' said Linster. 'Itt done''
1 Linster climbs / lool<s into the servants' room. 'You're sure she's '..?'
2 Mr Ettiston has onty got one arm - his left / right 'r;;, *; Eiliston, she's dead'' Linster pu11ed a white hand from
arm. under the blanket. 1If you don t believe me' feel this''
3 Linster witt get the money when E[[iston's brother / But Elliston iumped back, shaking' 'That ring" he said slowly'
wife is dead. It's one she almost never -'
4 Linster agrees to use two guns / hands for the 'The money' Mr Flliston' Five
Linster dropped the hand'
5 Linster agrees to hide / steal a iewellery box so the The money was put silently into his hands'
murder lool<s Iike a burglary. 'I'm going now, Mr Ellistoni said Linster' And then' with a
6 Elliston i Linster goes into another bedroom to smile, f,e ,Jid, 'Sorry I can t stay and talk to that pretty little
h ide.
servant that Your wife has''
S Read the final part ofthe story. Does Linster follow Elliston looked surprised' 'The - the girl?'
Elliston's instructions? 4h. girl,' said Linster' 'I looked through the window of your
servanti, room before I clirnbed up here, and there she was. A
p..i,y gtd. I'd recognise her again- anywhere' But i had this iob
S [tillEEIIffM Complete these expressions from the
text with the correct preposition. io ao. ira you dorrlt get paid until you've done the lob' do you?
1 to move of a cupboard It's cash on delivery. And a man must live''-
2 to go behind somebody 'I don t understand what you re talking about" said Elliston'
3 to watch somebody a mirror So, ;n.t., *us already tii*bittg out of the window' 'You will'
4 to putt something from _ a blanket Mr Elliston,'he said. 'You will''
5 to jump (when you get a shock)
6 to put something somebody's hands
7 to look _ a window
8 to ctimb of a window
Y ffi Worl< in pairs. Work out the answers to
these questions. Then compare your ideas with the
1 Does Linster kill the servant by mistake? How do
you know?
2 Why does Linster only use one hand to kitt her?
3 Why does Linster hide the jewetlery box under
the bed?
4 Why does Linster say 'You witt' at the end?
56 i Unit6 + Mystery