Page 59 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 59
X. ffi Describe the picture. Do you think encounters Read some other questions that reporters asked Vernon.
between humans and aliens really happen? Give reasons Rewrite them as reported questions.
for your opinion.
1 'Did you take any photos?'
Thal askod him if he'd taKon an1 photoe.
2 'Were you scared?'
3 'Do you drink every night?'
4 'Witt you give more interviews tomorrow?'
5 'Can you describe the spacecraft?'
6 'Are you tetting the truth?'
ffi *Xgmn*A& *Uit*XR S.?: P,&*e t1* &XX
Read the diatogue between Vernon and his wife. Then
complete the text with reported speech (questions and
Marie Are you going to tell me the truth, Vernon?
Vernon What do you mean?
Marie You didn't really meet any aliens last night.
X ft'Z,tf i-isten to the press conference with Vernon, a man Vernon How do you know?
who claims to have encountered an alien. Complete the Marie I can te[[ when you're tying. We've been married
rgported questions with the words below. for ten yearsl Why did you invent the story?
;li**s til;ti;tl finrr'. -,:.:r. -:l1(rr :*aeecrnit Vernon I can make money from itl
Marie lt's wrong to [ie.
1 They asked him if he could remember the previous
Vernon Do you want to be rich?
2 They asked him where he'd seen the
3 They asked him how many_ there had been. Marie asked Vernon if ha war going io ie\l her the
Vernon asked her'_ . Marie said that Vernon
4 They asl<ed him if he felt different after his
'-the previous night. When Vernon asked her
5 They asked him if the aliens would try to make 3-, Marie reptied that she 4_
again. 5- 6_
6 They asked him if the _ were investigating his they for ten years. She asked him the
story. Vernon reptied that he it. When Marie
story. e_
totd him '- to [ie, Vernon asked her rich.
$.,2,17 Work in pairs. Listen again.
Write down six questions on any topic to ask your partner.
Student A: Write the exact words spoken in questions L, 3,
Use a different tense orverb below in each question.
and 5 in exercise 2.
Student B: Write the exact words spoken in questions 2, 4 ffrn **:l slmpl* pffliir' i. ... r, rr( '. ..(a, ..'nt p*r'lec{
and 6 in exercise 2. pi'*s*nl xi:npk vrill
l"x \{hat kind of filmr do lira?
ln pairs, compare your answers to exercise 3 with the 1ou
reported questions in exercise 2. Then choose the correct
ffi Play a class game in two teams. One pair from
words in the Leorn fhisl box to complete the rules.
team 1 asks and answers a question from exercise 7.
Reported guestions Whatrkind of,:films d.o you{il(e?
1 The reporting verb is ask I say I tell.
2 The tense changes are / aren't the same as for
reported statements. (See Lesson 68, page 55).
3 Pronouns and time expressions change / don't One person from team 2 has to remember and report the
change in the same way as for reported statements. question and answer.
4 The subject comes before / after the verb. _ ':--_:_-_-_:
{ : ., i:r: -*
5 We use / don't use do or did. rCatheqine:arL.6 gxik ifitms he li
|, what kindrof
6 We use if I thatwhen we report yes no questions. [, tiked.'Mark said that he tiked horror films. ,,];
Unit 6 Mystery 57