Page 55 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 55

Speaking                                                Listening
        5                   Work in pairs.  Read the task and think  7 're![IEEtrIEIlEIH['Work  in pairs.  Make  a list of the five  '
          of three argurnents in favou,r  of the statement  and three  , most irnportant  inventions in 1ecent  times. Exptain whyyou
                                                                 , think they are important.  , .  ,   '
           against. Then:compare  your ideai with th.e ctass.
                                                                                                                .  :
                                                                I  Match.:the,words  (t*6) with the definitions{a-0.  ,  ,
           Do you agree or disagree  with this statement?          1 artificial       a main road
           Give reasons.                                           2 mon,itor  .  "   b not natura[; made  by peopte
           Computers  have made  the world a better  place.        3 detector         c focus  on something
                                                                   4 concentrate      d watch closety; observe
                                                                   5 [a.unch  '       e machine used for finding or
                                                                   6 :high.way,  '      noticing something
                                                                                      f start; activate
                                                                9,  6d  2.1,3 iotheexam task.

                                                                   Listen  to five speakers  tall< about various  inventions.
                                                                   Match each invention 1-5 with a sentence  A-F. There  is
                                                                   one extra sentence that you do not need.

                                                                     This invention  witt hetp people with communication
                                                                   B This invention  is designed to mal<e peopte's Iives safer.
                                                                   c This invention  is used to create  reatistic images.
                                                                   D This invention  enables peopte  to controI  their mentaI
                                                                   E This invention  is only for peopte  who Iive in big cities.
                                                                   F This invention  is a combination  of two different vehicles.

                                                               10 regfil![!ftstsIfl   Work in pairs. Ask and answer  these
                                                                ,   queslions.
                                                                 '  1 lVhat spe-cial  cutturaI  tradifions  do you have in your

                                                                   2, What is one of the rnost imp-ortant  chalacteristicg of the
                                                                     cultu re ol  yd  u r country?  Write  a sto  gan  to  :ad-ve  rtise it.
                                                               11 ootheexamtask.

                                                                   You are staying in the UK, studying  Engtish at a language
                                                                   school in London. You want to organise  a cultural evening
                                                                   to celebrate  the traditionaI  food, music, costumes,  etc. from
                                                                   your own country.  Write an announcement  in which you:
                                                                   .  lnform the reader about the party you are planning
                                                                   .  Say when and where it is going  to take place
                                                                   .  Give information  about food and entertainment
        6  Oo the Speaking exam task.                              .  Encourage everybody  to come.

                                                                                              Get Ready for,yourExam 3  i:"53_:,::,.:
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