Page 50 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 50

ffi      Describe  the pictures. They show visions  of the  6  Worl<  in pairs. Make three predictions  about the world in
           future fifty years  from now. Which one do you thinl< is the  fifty years' time. Use the ideas below to help you and some
           most [ikely to come true? Give reasons.                  ofthe  nouns  and verbs from exercise  4.
                                                                    buitdings  climate computers education
           $:'.i6  Read the texts. ln your opinion,  whose
           prediction is:                                           entertainment health space transport work
           1 the most optimistic?
                                                                 7  ffi      Telt the class your predictions. Do they agree or
           2 the scariest?
           3 the most tikety to come true?
                                                                   EE VOCNEULARY  BUILDER  5.2: PAGE 131  (?2.
            When you're looking for specific information  in a text,
             reading  the first sentence  of a paragraph  often telts  you
            what the whole  paragraph is about.

        3  Read the reading strategy. Then match paragraphs  A-F with
           predictions  1-8. There are two extra predictions  that you
           do not need.
           1 We will be able to choose  how [ong our own life is.
           2 We will be communicating  directly with search
             engines as if they were  peopte.
           3 We witt use computers to help us talkto people
             who do not speak  our language.
           4 We witt be able to get any new body parts  we need.
           5 We witt develop a new technotogy that wi[[ make
             the human race extinct.
           6 Some humans  wi[[ have gone to [ive on another
             We witt have made  contact with tife in other parts
             ofthe gataxy.
             We won't be living in most  of the areas we
             inhabit now.
        4  [tiliililIlilZ  Match the verbs (1-7)  and nouns (a-S)  to
           make phrases from the text.
           1 reduce              a a catastrophe
           2 treat               b information
           3 suffer              c  damaged parts
           4 start               d discoveries
           5 replace             e carbon emissions
           6 provide             f  a colony
           7 make                g  ittnesses

        5  Comptete  the sentences  with phrases  from exercise  4.
           1 When  poorer countries      like a flood or an
             earthquake,  it causes  enormous destruction.
           2 ls it possible to _   without drugs?
           3 Using pubtic transport  helps  to _.
           4 Today, surgeons  can _    ofyour heart.
           5 I asked  the university to _   about their degree
           6 lt would be difficult to _   on the moon because
             there's  no water.
           7 Every year, scientists _   about our universe.

     4g i Unit5  Tomorrow'sworld
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