Page 53 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 53

Read the emai[.  Why  is Archie writing to Carl?        Complete  the sentences using the verbs in bracl<ets  and a
                                                                   clause  or an infinitive.
           Find four different activities that Archie is planning  to do  1 l'm not planning   (go) to university next year.
           during the Easter holiday. What tenses does he use in his  2 I don't reckon    (pass)  att my exams.
           email?                                                  3 We're hoping        (spend)  a few days abroad.
                                                                   4 I think-       (took) for a  iob  in a restaurant.
                                                                   5 I don't think _    (visit)  any relatives  this hotiday.
                                                                   6 We want         (stay)  in a hotel  by the sea.

                                                                   Read the writing  strategy.  Find and underline  an example of
                                                                   al[ six conjunctions  in Archie's  email.

                                                                   I ln sentences  referring  to the future, we use the present
                                                                   : simpte after: when,  as soon as, until, after, before and
                                                                    while, but NOT witt.

                                                                   Choose the correct conjunction  in these sentences.
                                                                   1 We can't  go to the beach  until /  white it stops raining.
                                                                   2 I'm going  to buy a car after / as soon as I can afford to.
                                                                   3 l'tt betieve it before  /  when  I see it.
          Dear Carl,                                               4 You must visit the EiffelTower until i white you're in Paris.
          Thanks  for your email. It's great  that you're  planning to  5 I need to get to the bank  as soon as / before it closes.
          visit us next month.                                     6 They won't let us into the cinema after  /  while the
               As soon as term finishes,  I'm going camping  in the  film starts.
          New Forest with my dad and my brother, Kieran. We're
                                                                   uirffi   (,H"1;;-l\'l.rx 4 r.JiJ  ;.{.lt-Y  1,.:  "qLI  } . .'  q"Lor$
          planning to be away for three or four days. I really want to
          go fishing a few times,  and while we're  there,  I'm hoping to
          catch some fish to eat in the evenings. After  we get back I'll  Read'the  exam tasl< below. Which parts of Archie's emaiI
                                                                   include the information required  in the task?
          be working  in my uncle's caf6 for a few days  over Easter.
          You could visit any time during the last week of the     A British friend wants to stay with you for a few days over
          holiday. I'll be re-taking  a couple of exams  next term, so I  the hotiday.  Write an emait (120-150  words) to him /  her.
          need to do some revision before  I go back to school.  But I  .  Say how you feel about  his /  her plans  to visit and why.
          reckon  I'll be able to work when you're  here.          .  Give some information  about what you witt be doing in
               I'd be grateful if you could confirm  the dates of your  the hotidays and when.
          visit as soon as possible. I won't make any more plans until  .  Exptain  when the best time for his /  hervisit  would be,
          I hear from you!                                           and why.
          All the best                                             .  Askwhen he / she ptansto arrive  and how [ongthevisit
               Archie                                                wittbe.

                                                                   Make notes for the exam tasl(. Write down one or two ideas
           Find one sentence  that is too formal.  How could  you rewrite
                                                                   for each piece  of information required  in the tasl<.  lnvent a
           it in a more informaI  style?
                                                                   name for the person  you are writing to.
           Read the Leorn  this! box. Underline  examples of want,
                                                                   Write your email using  your  notes  from exercise  9.
           hope, plan and reckon  in Archie's  email.
        il.,ill t  we                                              tlB,m
            t  We can use an infinitive after the verbs want, hope can use an infinitive after the verbs want,  hope
               and plan.ptan.
        lli:.':il  and
        ti:lt,:tt  l'm hoping  to visit some  friends.
                 hoping  to visit some  friends.
        ;:llli   We cannot use an infinitive.
        ---1  I think l'll stay at home.
           :   I don't reckon  I'll enioy  this  film.

                                                                                              Unit 5  Tomorrow's wortd  " 51
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