Page 48 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 48

1  ffi      Lookatthe picture  oftheWestinghousetime
           capsule.  Work in pairs and discuss these questions.

           1 What is the point  of a time capsule?                  4 What is the connection  between  Albert  Einstein  and the
           2 What kinds of items do you think would  be interesting  to  time capsule?
              people in the future?  Give reasons.                    a He invented the materialthe  capsule is made of.
                                                                      b There's  a biography of Einstein in the capsule.
           ![[ft!l[s   Complete the compound  nouns using the         c There's  a message from him in the capsute.
           words  below. Check  in a dictionary to see if they are
           written  as one word or two.                             5 What  does the capsule contain to hetp people in the
                                                                      future understand the contents?
           alarm base can tight lip news tape tooth
                                                                      a A complete guide to the Engtish language.
           1                          5 _sticl<                       b A grammar  book.
           2                          5 _batt                         c Transtations  ofthe contents into different  languages"
           3                          7 _switch                     6 What  does the Book of Record  conlain?
           4                          8 _reel
             -ctock                                                   a A tist of libraries and museums  around the world.
              -opener                                                 b lnformation  about the time capsule.
           l,&:*.OA enO*W(t*ftof, Listen, rep eat a n d ch ecl< yo u r
             -measure                                                 c lnformation  about things  in Iibraries and museums.,
           answers.  Which part of the compound nouns is stressed?
                                                                 7  ffi      Work in groups or pairs. lmagine you are going
           Work in pairs. Think about the items in exercise  2, which
                                                                    to bury a time capsule  with ten items inside. Choose two
           are all in the time capsule. Decide whether  each item:
                                                                    items for each category  A-E below.
           1 is in the picture in exercise  1.
                                                                    A Cutture  (music,  literature,  etc.)
           2 would  be interesting  for people in the future. Why?
                                                                    B Technology
        5  .ft,,2.'59   Listen  to a radio programme. What has been  C Potitics  and wortd affairs
                                                                    D Home life
           buried in the park in NewYork?
                                                                    E Language
        6   ,   i0rg. Listen  again. Choose the correct answers.
                                                                   lffi    Write a message to the peopte  who witlopen
           1 The interview  is taking  ptace in Ftushing  Meadows  park
                                                                    your time capsule 1,000 years  from now. lnctude this
             a because  there is a Wortd  Fair taking  ptace there.  information:
             b because  Professor Wolfson  works at a university near
                                                                    .  Who you are.
               the park.
                                                                    .  When  and why you are burying the time capsute.
             c because the time capsules  are buried in the park.
                                                                    .  An explanation  of your choice of items from exercise  Z.
           2 Why are there two time capsutes?                       .  One or two problems the world  is facing today  (e.g.
             a They made a copy of the first capsute.
                                                                      ctimate change,  war, poverty,  etc.).
             b They couldn't  fit everything into one capsule.      .  When the time capsule should  be opened.
             c Because there were two World Fairs.
                                                                    Our namas are .. vJ& live in ...
           3 How were the 35 items inside the first time capsule
                                                                   The yar is ... and wa'ro burling this capeula  becau*v ...
             ch osen ?
                                                                   Wa ara including  ... bycause  ...
             a They were all made  of different  materiats.
                                                                   Ths r,.lorld  todallacm  tho problem of ...
             b They  showed what everyday  Iife was tike in 1939.  Ibo cap*\o  should ba oponod in iha
             c They  were atl invented in the 20th century.
                                                                   ffi       Present your prolect to the class. The class votes
                                                                    for the best choice of items and the best message.
     +6  unit5  *  Tomorrow'sworld
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