Page 43 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 43
.li. Read the announcements. Which activity
appeals to you most? Why?
Meditotion is not only reloxing_ond
enjoyoble, bui ii olso boosis
your noturol immune svsrem. Folow drli;;;;k;;;.
leorn o new skil which wjl r"rrr. ,.or"o.r.iits rlliJ-u, r.,eorm.
M€ditotion is ideol for people
who suffer from:
. trequent heodoches . memory foilures . on*,.ff . bockoche . Ioss of concentrotion
The new course slorls on I0 Moy ot 7.30 p.m. 0t trume Viltoge Hoil ond costs
C45 for ten sessions.
i;; ;"" *t'in g'*i r'"' n8X"ff,p:l'mfffib
The North Devon Coasteering Society meet e\'€ry - mffi Y1ffit$,1$,&rdg ffirr r?.g?
r,vee*end to erplore the beautiful' rocky coastline trom.
fV"** t" Aid"i*t' lt! a great :ray to rnake friends too!
everY SaturdaY X&**c s{es se{er S?Sf ,S#$SS ef*ss eo*s}d &s rrf*e*
Time:4.30 P.m.
V"nu"t meet bY Watermouth Castle fer g*ei, Y*{,t ssffi $qmsm x*er* s*eps, *rys** rsee&5
-irri session peaple. fiave Fun, and get s neur, fittet badg"
Cost: f1 5 Per
r* ole session. on.d be.h'o:"1'
"irri .v1u'll
Match the activities in exercise 1 with the sentences (1-6).
ffi Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Discuss how
1 lt includes music.
2 lt is probabty the quietest. the activities might benefit your mind and / or body.
3 You do it outdoors.
4 lt is the cheapest per session.
5 lt ctaims to be good for both the mind and the body.
6 lt is onty for fit peopte.
When we write an announcement, we often:
1 use capitals to emphasise key words or phrases. I think walking woutd
be good for your mind
2 present key information (the time, date, place, cost,
etc.) in note form or because it's relaxing.
3 in a list with butlet points (.;.
Choose one of the activities from exercise 4 or your own
4 use rhetoricaI questions (questions that are asked to
idea. lmagine you are organising regular sessions. Decide
create an effect rather than to get an answer).
on the details (price, venue, time, etc.).
end with a strong and memorable final message.
Write an announcement to publicise your sessions.
Read the writing strategy. Then answer these questions.
. lnform peopte what the activity is and describe it briefty.
1 Which announcements use capitats to emphasise key
. Mention the benefits for mind and / or body.
words? Underline the words.
a lnform people of the time, place and cost of sessions.
2 Which announcement does not present key information
a End with a strong and memorabte finat message.
in note form? Rewrite that part in note form.
Which announcement uses buttet points? Find a list in
another announcement and rewrite it with buttet points.
How many rhetorical questions do the three
announcements contain in totat? Underline them.
Do all three announcements end with a final message?
Which is the most memorable, in your opinion?
Unit4 " Bodyand mind 41