Page 47 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 47

i1}l  Read the Leorn this!box. Find an example of the first
        X ffi      Readthetext.                                    conditional in the text in exercise  1.
          Do you thinl< Ray Kurzwei['s
          predictions  will come true?
                                                                    Predicting:  first conditional
          Give reasons.
                                                                    1 We often make  predictions  with the first conditionat.
                                                                      We use the present simpte in the lf ctause and raril/ in
         'Man won't fly for 50 years,'                                the main clause:
         said Wilbur Wright in 1901.                                  lf the hotel hos Wi-Fi, l'll check my emails.
                                                                    2 We can use may, might or could in the main clause if
         Two years later, he and his
                                                                   I   ttre prediction  is onty a possibitity:
         brother  made  the worldt first
                                                                   1   tf you refresh the page, it might load.
         successful flig ht. Predicting
         the future is difficult,  but at
                                                                   Match the two halves  of the predictions  and write the verbs
         the Singularity University in
                                                                   in brackets in the correct tenses (present  simple and will or
         California,  you can actually study                       moy/might/coulA.
         futurology. The University's  director  is Ray Kurzweil, who  1 lf there   (be)  a major  flu epidemic,
         predicts  that huge increases in computer  power will change  2 Ordinary tourists   (go)  into space
         the world  dramatically. By 2045,we'll  probably  be only the  3 Governments    (ban)  cars
         second most intelligent creatures on Earth,  after computers.  4 lf the Earth   (become)  too crowded,
                                                                   5 Everybody         (be)  ontine 24 hours  a day
         These  computers might  think,  communicate  and act so quickly
                                                                   6 lf young people       (put) too much  personal
         that ordinary  humans  won't be able to understand them.  But
                                                                     information  on sociat-networking  sites,
                                              *                               -
         of course, ordinary humans might not exist then  everybody
                                                                   a humans          ([ive)  on Mars.
         may have computer  chips  inside their brains.  Technology  b iftickets     (not  be) too expensive.
         may also eradicate  disease  and increase life expectancy.  lf life  c if the number of Wi-Fi hotspots   (increase).
         expectancy increases  faster than  people age,  nobody will die.  d mittions of people   (die).
                                                                   e they         (regret)  it when  they're  otder.
         This  could cause  other problems for the Earthl
                                                                   f  if gtobat warming      (get) worse.
                                                                   {S$ **,qltr*$lh&  &i.,1:!|.il[li]  5,]ir F;\{i[ :',1t  {Xffi
        3  Read the Learn  thisJ box. Find examptes  of these structures
           in the text: moy, might, coltld, won't,  might not, will and
           will probably.
                                                                    We can use these phrases  to agree or disagree  with
                                                                    other people's  opinions:
            Specutating  and predicting
                                                                    I think that's  true. /  I don't think that's true.
                                                                    I agree / don't ogree  with  (you  him / thot opinion).
            won't  + probably won't  + may / might  /  could + will probably + will  I believe / don't believe thot's  right.
                                                                    Thot seems / doesn't seem  very likely.
              To talk about  possibitity  in the future, we can use
              may, might or could followed  by a base form:
              She may  /  might  /  could leave school next year.  ffi      Read the exam strategy. Say whether  you agree
                                                                   or disagree  with the predictions  in exercise 5. Give reasons.
              We use moy not or might not for the negative - we do
              not use could not.
                                                                   ffi      Worl<  in pairs. Comptete  these predictions  about
              To make  predictions,  we can use will. When we are
                                                                   the future with your own ideas.  Then tellthe class. Do they
              not certain, we use I think  ... or probably:
            ^!  il:!!:!::i:!:::  l !iyil::yy_::i::":: i            1 lf everybody lives forever, ...
        S  How til<ely are these events  to happen in the next five  2 lf computers become  more intettigent than humans, ...
           years? Write sentences using expressions from exercise  2.  3 lf the world becomes  too crowded, ...
                                                                   4 lf humans have computer chips in their brains,  ...
           there's an earthquake  in Britain  you move abroad
                                                                   5 lf we don't use less energy,  ...
           there's a major  ftu epidemic  you [earn to drive
           Brazil wins the footbatl world cup  you go to university
           you faiI an important  exam    you get married
          Thoro  probabll won't br an oarthqu  aKa in bri\ain

                                                                                              Unit5  " Tomorrow'sworld  i tts
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