Page 45 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 45
Lead-in 4 Match each sentence to one or more of the iob adverts (A-E).
1 lmagine you needed to work part-time to earn some extra 1 The job invotves working six days a week.
money. What iob woutd you tike to do? Why? 2 Appticants need to write a letter.
3 SuccessfuI appticants must be retiabte.
Speaking 4 Successful appticants must work in the evening.
5 SuccessfuI appticants witl have a choice of hours.
2 Describe the photo.
6 The job pays f8 an hour or more.
Then answer the questions.
7 Speaking another language witt hetp.
1 How do you think the waiter
8 There is an apptication form for this job.
in the photo is leeting?
2 What do you think young
people can learn from doing
part-time jobs? 5 S'd Z.OS Listen and answerthe questions.
3 Telt me about the last time 1 Which iob from exercise 3 does Anna appty for and get?
you saw somebody who 2 Why doesn't she start work on the agreed day?
seemed unhappy at work.
6 Sfi Z.OS Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?
Reading 1 The interviewer hasn't seen Anna's application.
2 Anna tetts the interviewer that the job matches her
3 Read the iob adverts (A*E). Which.iob lool<s the most experience and personality.
interesting, in your opinion? Why? 3 Anna says she can speak English, Polish, German and a
little Russian.
- hard'working and reliable? 4 Anna doesn't remember correctly what the job advert said
Ar. Uou ;, about working hours.
the teom oi Le{tfield
lf you ore, then come ond ioin : 5 Anna prefers to work in the afternoon because she has
Bookshop ond Cof6' We need people to work '-,U. ,,- - classes in the morning.
Tuesdoy-soturdoy in our busy sondwich bor ond in the 6 Anna can't speakto Julian Lloyd because he isn't in the
bookshop too: pleose stote your preference when you office.
opply. Send your CV ond o covering letter to the shop i
.,o'lo':":eov.ra31no1'-.:l:i:i'---.]'lJ.rJ 7 Choose one ofthe other job adverts from exercise 3 and write
an application letter. You do not need to include addresses,
Remember to state:
M u s e um of e rp o o t . where you saw the advert (invent this).
!;:!:tu :*,:!-,.,! :e fto r what your personaI quatities are.
o what relevant experience you have (invent if necessary).
r what you are enclosing with the letter.
Eeceptionist for busy sports and litness ctab in Liverpoot city
centre. Must be polite, friendly and
interest in sporl and /or
keep-fit is essentiat and foreign tanguige,
*r,rii * an advantage.
Hours: 6-10 p.m., Monday to Saturiay- ,*, iu u, oour.
Apply by email to: manager@fitnessforalt.con
Skitts Round-up r-a {3