Page 41 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 41

ln the nineteenth century, scientists  became  interested in the
                                                           possibitity that some peopte had the power to move a physicat
                                                           object  without  touching it. They named  this  power tetekinesis,
                                                           and over the years several peopte  have ctaimed to have it. ln
                                                           1980,  American  James Hydrick became  famous overnight after
                                                           appearing on a TV show. Mittions  watched him as he made  the
                                                           pages  of a book turn without  touching them. 5 f..lBut James
                                                           Randi, an American  magician. was scepticat. He knows the
                                                           different  tricks peopte  use when they pretend to have psychic
                                                           powers,  Randi appeared  on a tive TV show with Hvdrick in order
                                                           to test his claims.  He put smat[ pieces  of polystyrene  around
                                                           a book and then chattenged  Hydrick to turn the pages  using
                                                           tetekinesis, without  moving the potystyrene. Hydrick couldn't do
                                                           it. Later, Hydrick pubticty  admitted that he had neyer  had special
                                                           powers. So. how did the pages  move? Simple, he btew theml  But
                                                           he had practised  btowing hard without moving his tips or chest.

          Match sentences  a-f betow with gaps 1-5 in the text. There  @!EEE  Read the Look out! box. Then look at the red
          is one extra sentence  that you do not need.             words in the text and decide whether  they are nouns or
          a  However,  using the wrong materials can be a disaster.  verbs.
          b  On the other hand, many people doubted that his powers
                                                                   LOOK  OUT! Homonyms
             coutd be genuine.
                                                                   Homonyms  are words which have the same  spelling, but
             It has been  part of ceremonies  in many different
                                                                   are not the same word. Sometimes  homonyms are different
             countries for at least 3,000 years.
                                                                   parts of speech. The meaning can be simitar  or completely
             Most  viewers  were  convinced  that he had genuine
             psychic powers.
                                                                   Let's tolk. I had a talkwith  him. (similar  meaning)
          e  Many of these patients  showed dramatic improvements.
          t  ln fact, this was  probably  unnecessary.             Meet me at the park.  Park your cor over there. (different
       4  find the five underlined  phrases in the text and look at the  D  VOCABULARY  BUILDER 4.3:  PAGE  130 G
          words which follow them.  Read and complete the Learn
          fhrsl box.
                                                                7  Do the experiment  betow in pairs.  Then count  the total
                                                                   number of correct answers  in the class.
            Clauses  expressing  purpose
                                                                   Student A: Choose one ofthe shapes below, but don't
            1 We can use an infinitive to exptain  the  purpose of an
                                                                   tetI Student B. Stare at it and try to send your  thoughts  to
                                                                   Student B for thirty seconds.
              He went to the Alps to go skiing.
            2 We can also use these phrases:                       Student  B: After thirty seconds, look at the shapes. Guess
              r-                                                   which shape Student A chose.
                                to + base form
              '         thaf + subject  + verb  (usualty  a modat
              verb, e.g. could)                                    ffioa
        5 Answer questions  1-5 about the underlined  parts in the
          text. Use a different clause expressing  purpose from that
           used in the text.
                                                                   ffi      Discuss the results  of your experiment  with
           1 Why did peopte  go on training courses?  [Text  A]    the class.
           2 Why did the managers  go to hospitat?  [Text  A]
                                                                   .  Did more than 25o/" of the class guess  correctly?  (25%
           3 Why did the performers ask for votunteers?  [Text  B]
                                                                     is the result  you might expect  to get on average,  just  by
          4 Why did the British Government  pass alaw in 1.952t
                                                                     ch a n ce.)
             lText  Bl
                                                                   .  Do you think the people  who guessed  correctly have a
           5 Why did Randi appear  on a live W show with Hydrick?
                                                                     speciaI  abitity?
             lText  Cl
                                                                   .  lf your result was over 25ok, can you suggest why?
                                                                   .  Do you betieve  that some people have psychic powers?
                                                                     Why?  /  Why not?
                                                                                                Unit 4  "  Body  and minO i 39
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