Page 37 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 37
Look at the photo. Guess the answers to these questions. $ffiP ttffi&M&{Affi ffilJll."i}ilr &.1r $}&li[ 11j{" {m
Then read the text and find the answers.
$'f ,ll Complete Wave magazine's interview with Adam
1 What is the man doing?
Harvey, a 15-year-old kayak surfing champion. Use the past
2 ls it his job or lust a hobby?
simple or present perfect. Then [isten and checl<.
3 Which country is he in?
Wave When , (start) kayaksurfing?
ffi i) }t i; Adam Ten years ago. I 'z (go) kayaking,a few times
with my famity. Later, my brother
(take) me
to the beach and we went kayaking in the waves.
DannY MacAskill grew uP on a | '- (be) a fan since that dayl
icottisn island, but has lived in Wave Most people (not hear) of kayak surfing.
ioinuu,en, since 2006' Thanks to What is it?
tlle lnternet, he has become one Adam ltls tike surfing, - but you're in a kayak, not on a
of tne most famous stunt riders board. The sport (become) a lot more
in tn" wottO. Three Years ago' he popular in the past few years.
made a video called Mountotn Wave ' you (have) much success in the
it on
Bike Trickster and Posted sport? 8-
VoutuUe. fnree million PeoPle Adam Yes. I - (win) severaI medals so far inctuding
watched it. His most recent the junior world championship.
,iO"o is called lnsPired BicYc.les' i Wave When o- you (win) thati
ii r,it .rt*uov had half a million : Rdam ln 2009.
views - and it hasn't been on
job :
' so successful that ;;;ty has given up his regular & fina these time expressions in the dialogue in exercise 3.
and become a professional mountain ?'Ot,1|tt Then add them to the chart below.
..Dunnynu,ui*uyuInlo-y.Jooinc5t.unt5.}.o:Surprisingly, : it U**91 in {h* p;:.,. i,- r,,{. r t', , 1!(f ... I,t lar
tn tait' he ca'n't'ride at the
he's had u f ot ot u*O"nis' for the il*n} y*ai* xg*
moment uttuu'" i"slust broken his collarbone
six months! liiji::{i}ffiffis@q,
third time in the Past 'li
past simple present perfect
yesterday ;:! yet
last week this morning t already
X Look at the verb forms in red in the text. Which are present
perfect and which are past simple? Read the Leorn this! box a year ago for a week X today
and match the present perfect examples in the text with 1
:r lii
uses a-c, .t2::5
i:: -r.i
Present perfect and past simpte ni:t!;i-r::l,igi:a{:lr:;i::Ii::Lli.trJ:irj-Lirl,lffirejffi |@p-
1 We use the past simpte to tatk about completed
events in the past, often with words that refer to a ffi work in pairs. Asl< and answer questions about
specific time (yesterday, two years ago, etc.): what you have done in the past few months. Use the
I wentto London lastweekend. phrases below or your own ideas. Ask follow-up questions
2 We use the present perfect in the past simple.
a to say how long a current situation has existed !
.:J "r, ; 1f'.'rl r'ir ...,. i " .' '. l;"',: 1"
(often with for or since):
",1:r; f.' ,1 ..r., t n.,: ..,{ :: , 1r- ..1 h .,1,,
l've worked here for a yeor. (and I stitt work here)
s*r *lv g**d f ilm*l'
to talk about an experience at an unspecified time
in the past: Have you been shopping
'Have you ever been to Poris?' 'No, I haven't. in the past few months? Yes, I have.
c to talk about recent events that have a connection
with the present. We sometimes use alreody, just
or yet: What did you buy? a ne'w:MP3 ptayer,
'You look hoppy.' 'l've just got my exam result.'
Unit 4 ', Body and mind i 35