Page 32 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 32
I 6& f;:g Read the iob adverts below. Then read and Read the Leorn this! box. Find two examples of question
listen to the dialogue. Which job would suit Emily best? tags in the dialogue in exercise 1.
Question tags
Confident, enthusiastic assistant 1 We use question tags when we want somebody to I
bartender required for hotel on outskirts confirm what we are saying: I
of town. You worked in the kitchen, didn't you? I
Hours: 18.00-20.00 Monday to Friday. 2 We use auxiliary verbs (do, have, would, etc.) or the I
Experience not required. E7 an hour verb be in question tags: I
-y:::: I:::::e-:::::':::: yy i
ts Waiter /Waitress needed for our new caf6. --
Hard-working and energetic, you will join &, t.30 Ff,or{ut{CIATToN m fi m,&.$s &e&& s il 1 i.. L; r:r',.r *' 1 :
our friendly, young team. Must enjoy dealing
with customers. Shift work (lunch or dinner).
t 87.30 an hour plus tips IEEIEIIIIEE Checkthe meaning of these words in a
..-- -..,j
1 dictionary. Which qualities did Emily mention?
,*u_e[:Lree-I:_*_edeglfgr_je&9. c* nf i rl* * t ** ;"t sci e nti * *:
r-*-*g:erative rr*ntirrc *let*rr*ir:ed cn*ng*tie
*ftthil$i*${i{r fit flexii-:ie [:*rd=wcrkirrg n:mliie **=ii!v*
re[!ah[e s*[{-r-n*tiv*?,*d thc'ughtfl*t. tr*stw*rthir
ffi Which quatities are (a) necessary (b) desirabte
for these jobs?
ath[*t* foxfi1cm!" ch*f fnisl'l wmrlc*r fitn**s i*=:r-:i=r
p*[ice *ff!rer r*f,us* ccileetcr rese*fch st!*::ii::
sni*s reffi r*seritativc
It doesn't matter if
you're not very ...
Manager How did you find out about the job?
Emily I saw it advertised on a recruitment agency S&,1*f Listen to the interview for a summer lob. Which of
website. the jobs in exercise 4 is it for?
Manager You've worked in catering before, haven't you?
Emity Yes, I have. I used to help out at my uncle's 6D,f .lt Listen again. Number the questions in the order
resta u rant. that you hear them. How many answers can you remember?
a What kinds of things did you do? tr
Manager What did you do there?
b You're in good physicat health, aren't you? n
Emity First of all iust washing up in the kitchen. But
then ltool<orders, and served food and drinks. c When can you start work? tr
Occasionalty I answered the phone and took
d You live locatty, don't you? tr
e Have you got any experience of this type of work? tr
f Why do you want this job? n
Manager Did you enioy the work?
Emity Yes, I did, though it was very tiring on busy nights.
C Why do you think you're the right person for this iob? tr
Manager And you worked there for about a year, didn't
Work in pairs. Plan an interview for one of the jobs in
Emity Yes, about a year, part-time. exercise 4 following the guide below.
Manager I see. And why do you think you're the right
. where the appticant saw the job advertised
person for this job?
. the applicant's experience of simitar jobs
Emily Because I'm hard-working and reliable, and I
. why the appticant wants the job
enioy dealing with the public. I'm also good at
. when the applicant can start
working in a team.
Manager Wetl, thanks for coming in, Emity. We'l[ be in ffi Act out your dialogue to the class. The class
touch before the end ofthe week.
votes on whether the applicant gets the iob!
30 i unit3 * Agood job