Page 36 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 36

             Body and mind                                     Vocabulary r  parts  ofthe body r  i6516. the body r  nutrition r  laws and rights
                                                               r  homonyms  and homophones r  symptoms
                                                               Grammar  r  past simple  and present  perfect  contrast  I  present  perfect  continuous
                                                               Speaking .  talking about  diet  and lifestyte  r  at the doctor's
                                                               Writing r  an announcement

                                                                 4 ffi
         1 MnililULTf  Work in pairs. Match these parts of the body          Worl<  in pairs. Complete  the injuries (1-5)  with
           with the correct  section  of the photo (A-C).           the words below. Then asl< and answer  questions.  lf the
                                                                    answer is yes, asl< a follow-up question  using the past
           Parts of the body ankle armpit calf chest chin
           eyebrow eyelash  eyelid fingernaiI heel hip lip
           neck nostril palm scalp shin sole stomach thigh          ankte eye leg lip sh.irf shoulder
           throat thumb toenaiI waist wrist
                                                                    1 a bruised  ehin
                                                                    2 adistocated        /finger
                                                                    3 asprained         /wrist
                                                                    4 a broken arm, _      or finger
                                                                    5 a black
                                                                    6 acut

                                                                    ,S.1'S  Listen  to six dialogues.  Comptete  each sentence
                                                                    with one of the words below and then  choose  the correct
                                                                    meaning for the idiom  (a-c).

                                                                    arm eyetid head hand leg neck
                                                                    1 He was putting  your _   .
                                                                      He was a angry with you. b  joking.  c embarrassed.
                                                                    2 Did you give him a _?
                                                                      Did you a help him? b tie to him? c make  him happy?
                                                                    3 You've twisted my _     .
                                                                      You've  a upset me. b totd me everything.
                                                                      c persuaded me.
                                                                    4 l'tl stick my _   out.
        2  . ft't .,ll Listen  and check your answers.                I'tt a take a risl<. b think about it. c lool<.
                                                                    5 She didn't bat an _    .
        3  ffi      Worl< in pairs. Choose and describe a part of the  She wasn't a awake. b crying. c surprised.
           body using one or more ofthe  phrases below.  Your partner  6 You need to keep your
           guesses  which  part you are describing.                   You need to a be sitent. b work hard.  c stay catm.
                                                                 6  Work in pairs. Write three short  dialogues whlch  include
                                                                    three of the idioms from exercise 5.
                                                                 7  ffi      Act out your dialogues to the class. The class
                                                                    votes for the most entertaining dialogues.
                                                                    D  VOCRAULARY  BUILDER 4.1: PAGE 130 @

     34 i Unit 4  *  Body and mind
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