Page 39 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 39

X ffi       Read the text. What is the scientific study trying  & Comptete  the sentences  with the present perfect
          to find out? How would you summarise the results?        continuous  form of the verbs below.
     W                                                             riri,:lr   .a:.'.  ,)'3?  r,.ri; r..'{};l;  r'or!

                                                                                 that computer game for hours. Haven't
                                                                   1 You
                                                                     you finished  yet?
         l1f  evin Wilson is not usuolly o fon of compuler         2 I feel sick. I    chocolates att day!
         I\gomes,  but recently he hos been ploying one            3 I'm sure you'[[ pass your exams;  you _   a[[ term.
          porticulor  gome o lot. ln foct, he's been ploying it    4 Who          my orange  juice?  My glass is hatf empty!
          every doy for six weeks. lt's o speciol kind of gome     5 Luke isn't Lady Gaga's cousin -  he _   your [eg.
          which  is designed to increose broinpower  by giving     6 The weather's  great.  We _   shorts every day.
         the ployer mentol exercises.
          'l'm  definitely improving,' he soys.  'l've  been getting  ffim&  &e&Mffi,&m  m*il[}frm  &"?: s&**:134 m
          much  better scores recently.'                        $  Read the Leorn  this! box. Find two examples in exercise 1 of
          Wilson is one of  .'l.l,000  volunteers  who hove been
                                                                  the present perfect simple which  describe actions that are
          toking port in o scientific study orgonised  by o
                                                                   finished and complete.
          Combridge scientist colled Adrion Owen. lts
          purpose is to find out if broin-    n&
         troining  reolly woiks.  Holf of  #:  >-.  /P-             Present  perfect  simpte or present perfect continuous?
         the volunteers  hoven't been                               We use the present perfect simple,  not continuous:
          using the broin-troining                                  1  if the action  is finished and complete.
          progroms of oll; they've                                     I've written a letter. I'm going to post it now.
          been surfing  the lnternet                                2  ifwe want to say how often an action  has happened.
          insteod.                                                     She's  broken her leg three times.
          Owen hos conducted                                        3  with state verbs (like,  Iove, know,  etc.).
          severol studies of this kind,                                l've known  Joe for  yeors. /
          ond they hove oll shown                                      tW+nowing  Joe for   years.  X
          the some thing: broin-troining
          hos o smoll  posiiive  effect on                      & Complete  the emailwith  the present perfect simple  or
          mentol obilities,  but surfing                           present perfect continuous  form of the verbs in brackets.
          the lnternet is just  os good!

                                                                  Hi Tom!  So, we're halfway through the summer  holiday.
       X Look at the verbs in red in the text. Complete  the rule.  1-   you        [enjoyJ  it? Aunt  Vera   2
                                                                  fstavl with us. Dad and Aunt  Vera   3   never
           We form the present perfect continuous  with           (likeJ each other. They  4-
                 1-        2                                                                [not  have] any big
           have  f        +         + the -ing  form of the verb.  arsuments vet. but that's nrobablv  because  Dad  s
                                                                  (snend  l his eveninss  un in the attic! He savs he  6
       &                                                          (work), but when  I went up there,  he was making  a model
          Read the Leorn  this! box. Complete  the examples with the         7
                                                                  aeroplane. He      (makeJ about ten of them - they're
          correct form of the present perfect  continuous.
                                                                  all on his desk.
            Present perfect contin uous
            We use the present perfect continuous to tatk about:   ffi  f;RAe,le*A$l  &{Jlt*i:R &"3r l3A&H:1$ ffi
            1 an action that began  in the past  and is stil[ in
              progress.  We often use  for  or since to say how long it  f  ffi   worl<in pairs.
                                                                   Student A: Make a comment from the tist  (1-5).
              has been in progress.
              we  1-      (play) tennis  for  an hour.             Student  B: Give a reason,  using the present perfect simple
                      2-you                                        or continuous.
              How long                     (wait)?  Since
              midday.                                              You look
            2 an action that has recently  stopped and which       1 ... confused.  3 ... pleased.    5 ... fed up.
              exptains  the present  situation.                    2 ... tired.     4 ... guitty.
              l3        (carry)  these heavy  bags. That's why l'm

                                                                                                Unit4  *  Bodyand mind  37
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