Page 42 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 42
n lrft'4:$ , Complete the diatogue with the doctor's $ .{}lZl, Listen to four patients. Match the patients
questions (a-e). Then listen and check.
with the symptoms. Each person has got two different
a Are you altergic to c Have you put any drops symptoms. Write patient 7,2,3 or 4.
penicittin? in it? headach e feeI sick
b Have you had any other d ls it painfut? temperature upset stomach
symptoms? e When did it start?
Giving advice
We can use these expressions to give advice.
I (reolly) think you should ... I don't think you should ...
lf I were you, I would / wouldn't ... Try (not) to ...
ln your position, I would / wouldn't... You need to ...
It's (very) important (not) to ... You must / mustn't ...
The best thing would be to ... You (really) ought to ...
It would be a good ideo (not) to ...
& Read the information in the Learn this! box above. Which of
the expressions is used for giving very strong advice?
Doctor Good morning. What can I do for you?
Patient Wet[, I've got a probtem with my eye.
Doctor Oh, yes. I can see that. 1_ .?-:0'{l:F&$U1i{iil$, 1isten and repeat the phrases,
copying the intonation.
Patient Three or four days ago.
Doctor I see.2_
Patient Yes, it's very sore. lt hurts when I btink. ffi Write the doctor's advice using suitable expressions from
Doctor Let me have a look at it. Yes ... the eyetid is very the Learn this! box. There may be more than one correct
swotlen. 3 _ answer.
Patient Yes. I got some eye drops from the chemist's, but
1 Ylu-nasd lo drink lots of water.
they didn't do anything.
2 worry about food untilyou're better.
Doctor I thinkyou need antibiotics. You've got an eye 3
infection. a cycle home.
4 be careful about head injuries.
Patient No, l'm not. I've taken it before.
5 to cook meat properly.
Doctor OK. I'm going to prescribe some eye drops
as wel[. 6 - take extra care washing your hands.
Good. Thankyou. 7 - to stay at home for a few days.
8 -
5 rest as much as possible.
No, I haven't. l've been feeling fine. -
Good. Now, I thinkyou shoutd come back next Work in pairs. Prepare a role-play between a patient and a
week. I want to make sure it's getting better. And doctor. Decide:
you must catl immediatety if it gets worse. . - how long the patient has been feeling unwe[[.
. what the patient's symptoms are (see Vocabulary Builder
ffi@Comptetethesentenceswiththewordsbe1ow. 4.4: Page 1,31,).
Undertine the two symptoms that are in the dialogue in . what the doctor's advice is.
exercise 1.
ffi ffi Act out the following diatogue using your ideas
$*ig hl*eked up diaay itehy ra*h s*re stiff
from exercise 7. Use expressions from the Learn this! box
swol[e* tenx perature
for giving advice.
1 lf a part of your body is , it has got bigger.
2 If you're , you feel as if you might fatt over. Student A: You are staying in Engtand on an exchange
3 lf a part of your body is , you can't move it easity. trip and you've started to feeI unwe[[. You are now at the
4 lf you've got a _ , your body is hotter than usuat. doctor's. Tett the doctor your symptoms and answer any
5 lf a part of your body is , you want to scratch it. other questions.
6 lf you've got a _ nose, you can't breathe through it. Student B: You are a doctor. An exchange student has come
to see you, feeling unwett. Listen to the symptoms and ask
7 lf you've got a an area of skin is red. retevant questions. Give advice.
8 lf part of your body is , that part hurts.
40i Unit 4 " Body and mind