Page 40 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 40
I Lool< at the photos and the main title of the text. What do you think
the people in each photo are doing? What connects the photos?
Watking across burning coals or red-hot stones has a [ong
tradition. 'i ' lt became popular in Europe and the USA in the
1970s. and many people went on training courses to learn the
skitt. They betieved that firewatking was good for their mind and
body and might even give them mysticat powers. Actuatty, the
abitity to walk over hot coats has more to do with physics than
mind over matter. The heat doesn't pass quickly from the coats
to the walkers' feet, particularty if they keep moving. lf you do it
property, there is tittte risk of injury.
? ij ln 2002, 30 managers from the KFC fast food chain went on
a team-building trip which inctuded firewatking. Twenty of them
had to go to hospitat in order to get medicaI treatment for burnt
soles. They used red hot wood instead of coat.
1i]1, i:1"1'!;:l'i|:ltl
ln the 1770s, a doctor catled Franz Mesmer started to
treat his patients in Paris with a strange new technique,
:.,:ara:a:rl: ::i:i:!:i:rr.:rri.-.ard!:ra: he hetd their thumbs, pressed their stomachs, and then
ptayed music on an instrument made of gtass. 3 [] Mesmer
didn't know it, but he was using a form of hypnosis. These
days, hypnosis stitt has medicat uses. but most peopte
are famitiar with it because of stage hypnotists. These
performers ask for votunteers from the audience so that
they can hypnotise them. ln this state. the volunteers do att
kinds of strange and funny things, they eat onions as if they
were apples, or they act tike animats or giant babies. The
hypnotist seems to have controI over their minds. Atthough
(b f.:A Read the text, ignoring the gaps. Match each
the main purpose is entertainment, some peopte find the
section of the text (A-C) with two of the questions (1-6). idea of mind control worrying. The British Government
Which mind-over-matter activity: even passed a [aw in 1952 in orderto protect the pubtic
1 is sometimes used by doctors? from irresponsibte hypnotistsl 4 Most scientists betieve
stage hypnotism does not involve real mind controt. The
2 caused an inlury?
vo[unteers are extroverts who want to hetp the performer
3 .did ordinary peopte start practising?
to put on a good show.
4 was first studied in the 1800s?
5 often takes ptace on stage?
6 was an American performer suspicious of?
38 Unit4 ,, Bodyand mind