Page 46 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 46
Vocabulary r computing r noun prefixes r verb and noun allocations r making,
Tomorrow's wortd accepting and declining suggestions
Grammar r zero conditional r speculating and predicting: will, may, might, elc.
r first conditional r future perfect and future continuous t will, going to,ptesenl
continuous . future time clauses
Speaking r taLking about the future r making and agreeing plans
Writing r an informal email
ffi Work in pairs. Discuss this question. ffi Answer the questionnaire in exercise 2. Then
How often do you use a computer and what different things compare answers with your partner. Who is more geeky?
do you use it for?
4 &-,:.Of Lool< at the description of a computer. Then listen
2 S z'ce IEEEIIEI comptete the questionnaire using to a customer in a shop and write the missing numbers.
the words below. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.
Then listen and check.
This laptop has a 1.55 Ghz processor and
Computing app autocomplete blog browsers 1- MB of RAM. rt has a '- GB
channeI data desktop linl<s networl< podcast hard drive and a 3-' LED display.
social-networking USB username web page webcam It has a u x DVD writer and two
Wi.Fi built,-in w speakers
'- " rl
. : ,1 ',- , i .. . .r, ,, ,i:1.' " :. -.-r:1 '
$'z.oT pnaitur*elArloH' How do you pronounce the
ffiFi'#urrnnEE abbreviations in red in exercise 4? Say them aloud. Then
listen again and check.
Have You ever and listened to t
.-i.',inro.atd ? Ouwlttuq"'" - '- :;;.; 6 Match the first part of the sentences about smartphone
b uPloaded Photos to ',:;-:; apps (1-6) with the endings (a-0. Which app sounds most
c loLdLEu usefu[? Give reasons.
d installed an - on Your Phone? With this new phone app:
U llr)Lqrru-
) 7 |
e joined a file-sharing ts
a 7 1 your phone tetls you what song is ptaying
f Pubtished 2 if you visit a tourist attraction,
g subscribed to a YouTube , '
'. i,,;;;-- '- 'in forms on web pages? 3 you can make free calts
h useo a
:lf i
i ur.o .-.--.------ to fill 4 you can exchange information between two phones,
Exprain these sentences i:J:[:il ]ffi'' 5 ifyou take the phone outside at night,
5 if you point the phone at something in a shop,
a Please contact the
a your phone knows where you are and gives you
interesting information about the place.
: ili Jn tr't l.ea button to bookmark b it tetts you where you can buy the same thing at a
cheaper price.
name three different "' c it te[[s you the names of the stars in the sl<y.
3 Can You
you could *nnttt to the . port d if you bump the phones gently together.
b things e if you hotd it in front of a speaker.
of a comPuter? f if the person you are calling has the same app.
c means of ;W,X$ *nemaq,&K Sii{tmfif $":; F&fif Lt$ m
7 ffiffiffi Work in pairs. lnvent a new app for a smart-
phone. Think about:
. the type of activity (games, work, music, photos, etc.).
. a name foryourapp and what it can do / howyou can
use it.
I ffi Describe your smartphone app to the class. The
class votes for the best app.
44 Unit5 Tomorrow'sworld