Page 49 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 49

S ffi       Readthetext.Which  ofthethreeiobs doyou        ffixffi str,qs!,e*&R  m{}iLm[& ].}; fi&{i[ :36 ffi*
           thinkwould be the most interesting?  Give reasons.
                                                                & Look at the chart. Do you thinl< these things  will have
                 I  Mat    new iobs will we be doing 20 years      happened, or will be happening,  by the years  suggested?
                 W      from now?  Manyof today's;Jus*ittt"r"      Write  )z (yes)  or N (no)  next to each prediction.
                  f  f   disappeared,  but what witl reptace  them?

                 Nobody knows for sure, but here are three ideas from  ii' .&ffid;r+ir;:li
                 emptoyment  experts.
                                                                    '1  doctors,i  find a cure for all nrajor  ,  ,
                 Vertica[ farmer:  Our cities wit[ have become  so
                 over-populated that farmers  wit[ be growing crops  in  2 tourists / go on trips into space  by 2030
                     skyscrapers  in order to feed everyone.        3 sci€ntifis  /, invent :zero-emissionS   -  :by  2035
                        Weather  police:  GtobaI  water shortages     cars
                         witl have become  so serious that peopte   4 people / often  live to the age of   by 2040
                         witt be stealing clouds from their           200 or more
                                                                    5 hurflans l'make contact  with aliens,  by 2,045
                             Memory  surgeon:  MedicaI scientists   6 a fobotl  bccome'p-resident  of a ,   by ZO50
                                 wi[[ have learned how the human
                                t,rr: brain works.  Doctors  witl
                                                                    7 Earlh: l.complet6lyrun  out ofioil',  by,2055
                                    be adding  extra memory to
                                    peopte whose brains are fu[t.   I tee.nagera  1 spend:  all dat in,a   ' ,  bV 20610
                                                                      virtuali:world  r  ,
                                                                    t humans  Ldestrovrthe Earth   by 2065
        X Read the Leorn  this! box. Underline all the examples of the
           future perfect  and future continuous  in the text in exercise  ffi   ln pairs, askand answer questions  about
           1. Then complete the rules.
                                                                   the chart in exercise  4. Use the future perfect or future
            Future  perfect and future  continuous
            1 We form the future  perfect  with:                     I witl doctors  have found a cure
               will have + past participte
               By next Fridoy,  we'll have  finished  school.
            2 We form the future continuous  with:
               will be + -ing  form
               This time next week, l'll be revising.
            3 We use the future  1     to tatk about  a
               completed action  in the future.
            4 We use the future  2-    to tall< about an action    Worf< in pairs. Choose  a year between 2025 and 2065 and
               in progress  in the future.                         decide on:
                                                                    .  one current  f  ob that wi[[ have disappeared.
        S Complete  the text. Use the future perfect or future      .  one new  job  that people  witl be doing.
           continuous  form of the verbs in bracl<ets.              .  one new gadget that peopte  will be using.
                                                                    .  one new item of clothing  that peopte  witt be wearing.
           -lha  is my  final  year at Yhool.  6ix months  from  now' I  .  one new  ptace where people  witt be tiving.
           |         (study) at university.  lf's a three-yedr  c0ur50, 50  .  one maior discovery  that scientists wit[ have made.
                        now,'-       (finish) it' l'd love d cdreer
           four  years  from
           "in                years'Iime,  l'-    (work)
             faihion.'tttaybe,   in  five  4-                      ffi       Presentyour  ideas to the class. Do they agree or
           foi  fashion  deoigner. I    (live / probabty)  in a     disagree?  Which idea is the most interesting  or unusual?
               cii,t' London,  i'lew Yorr, ?aris or Milan. ThaI'e  where  the
               o,,. Hopefutty,  by the time |m 75' t5-   (learn)
           lolbu                                                            We thinkthat  by 2040, the  job  of teacher will
                 aboui  the  fashion   induslry  to start my lwn  fashion
            labei with lucK, lb-   (run) my own succestful                   have dfsappeared because  students  wi[[ be
                                                                              learning at home  using personaI robots.
            clmpdny  by then and a  few  young  fashion  graduales
           1         (worK)  for me!                                         One new  job  that peopte  witt be doing  is ...
                                                                                               Unit 5  Tomorrow'sworld  i47
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