Page 52 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 52

E  &,2;ft   llfnilEI7f,M  Read and listen to the diatogue.  ffiffi   Work in pairs. Practise  reading the diatogue  in
                                                                    exercise  1 replacing the words in blue with other activities
            What  are Blake and Lauren planning  to do this weekend?
                                                                    from exercise  1 or your own ideas.
            Write L (Lauren)  and B (Blake)  next to the activities  you hear.
            - ." .;.
           &q}lg3{ieS-  dei smu*  s*Fr**[wnrle.l-_]  g* bm';uting  i_j  &  S,e.f  e Listen  to two dialogues.  Why are the speakers
            g* l* *fr*t;ng f:  gc f*r a p;er* i-l  g* fmr *3ike ride f]  calling  each other?  Who is more  l<een to meet up? Katie or
            g* si<*teil:**rding  tj   g* io beri *mrty  [_]         Joe?  Jack or Olivia? Explain  your answer.
            havs a harbecue  I   h:lv* iuncli I dinner rr,rith re[;*'[ive*  [-i
            have **m* fri*inds  norund  tl                           &'llfZ  Listen again.  What arrangement do they make?

                                                                    1 Katie & Joe
            meet  {sr:m*[:nriy]  f*r a **{fee f  il
                                                                    2 lack & Olivia
            Lauren What  are you up to at                           Match these phrases  from the dialogues with the groups
                   the weekend?                                     A-C in the Learn fhisl box. Then add one more  phrase  to
            Blake l'm going                                         each group from the dialogue  in exercise 1.
                   skateboarding  on                                I'rn nrit up furit. [_j  i've *1n*m*y  gert pla*s" [j
                   Saturday morning.                                                                        L"et's  ."" i*l
                                                                    i $:*s \or*n#*ring if yerr:'ci  like t* ... iI  [d*xt time rnaybe"  []
            Lauren  Have you got
                                                                    fil{"   "trUhy  n*t? i^l  t{*, th*nks. l'rn nert u*ry' l<**n  on ... :i
                   any plans for the
                   afte rn oon ?
            Blal<e Yes, I have.  I'm going                           A Making suggestions
                   to finish my science                              Shallwe ... ?         Why don't we /  you ... ?
                   project.  But maybe                               How obout  (+ -in@?   Maybe  we could  ...
                   we coutd meet up in                               What  about  (+ -ing)?
                   the evening?                                      B Accepting suggestions
            Lauren  I can't, I'm afraid.  I'm                        Great idea.           I'd love to.
                   having a barbecue.                                Yes, that sounds fun.   Yes, I'd be up  for  that.
            Blal<e That's a shame. Do you fancy  doing  something                          That's a good idea.
                   on Sunday?                                        C Dectin ing suggestions
            Lauren Surel  The afternoon  is better for me. I might   Sorry,  I can't.      ldon't really  foncy,(+  -ing).
                   be going for a bike ride with my sister in the
                                                                 Y ffi       Work in pairs. Practise  making suggestions  and
            Blal<e Actually,  I'm going bowting with some friends  on
                                                                    reacting to them  using phrases  from the Learn  this! box.
                   Sunday  afternoon.  But you're welcome to join  us.
                                                                    Use activities from exercise 1 and your own ideas.
            Lauren Thanks. I'd [ove to. What time?
            Blake Four o'clock,  And we'tl be going for a pizza after.
            Lauren Great idea. Let's speak  again on Sunday.
            Blake OK. l'tI cattyou.

         ffi Read the Learn  this! box and underline  allthe examples of
            the tenses in the dialogue.
                                                                 ffi  ffi    Worl<  in pairs. Prepare  a dialogue.  Remember
                                                                    to use the correct  verb forms from the Learn  this! box and
             will, going to, moy / might, present continuous  and   appropriate  phrases  from exercise  5.
             future continuous
                                                                    .  Ask about your partner's  plans.
             1 We use will for things we decide to do as we are
                                                                    .  Te[[ your partner about your own ptans.
               speaking  (instant  decisions, offers, promises).
                                                                    .  Make suggestions for an activity you could do together.
             2 We use going to or the future continuous  for things
                                                                    .  Accept  or decline your partner's  suggestions.
               we have atready  decided to do (intentions).
                                                                    .  Agree on one activity you can do together.
             3 We often use moy  or might if we aren't sure.
             4 We use the present continuous  for things we have  w  ffiffi   Act out your dialogue  to the class.
               already  agreed  to do, usua[[y with somebody etse
           ffi  emeMm&e *ii{L*{e 5"&: F,&*[ 3t? ffim
     50i  Unit 5  Tomorrow'sworld
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