Page 34 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 34

        1 GffilEElIffiIiEflEl  Work in pairs. lmagine you could live
                                                                     A,,  lti \ivas, fu nnyi:to  ibe,
           in an unusuat place  or tead an unusual lifestyle. Where  or               suliQ un de d,by,vratel:;,but  fe € [  1,.,  1,1,.1
           what would  it be? Discuss the ideas betow  and then try to  ,,,,,,  l,,!,w!.d1dnl!:hav,e:rnucttlof   l!'.,l:,,i:,,,,,,:.,,,,,,:,,:.t,,:,1',,,,1  , ,
           think of other unusual ptaces or ways to [ive.           ,:,B,i.]t,WaS  :s,tr-'ga  at  fiiit,t6,r.Staytln,:the,,5aryeplace,  b ut
           1 on a ship saiting around the world with your family    i.'r,,:th.e:plea5ureiol.*oi:ng'te;.lctl1t1,,tre1ptd,d,,LnL,,,,,
        .  2 with a sma[[ group of peopte  on a small istand
                                                                    ,,:C',5o''th€(erwasrar.l6t;othiifd  t!rclk,rfof.,Ay.:pra.Ents:.and:,:.,,
           3 in a hut in the mountains  alone
                                                                       my sister and me.
           4 with a remote  tribe away from civilisation
                                                                           ho:use,wasr  alwaystlof:kiiig.a1U,, mOvi{g.s t i gtrtty.
        2  Do the exam tasl<.
                                                                    :E:::As-  ai,r.esull'l&,,r;vasnrt  :mrCh,$aee;Sqfie  h  ad  to
                                                                    .,  ,,'.'::.   b€:,very  tti.dY.,  t :,, . .,
           Read the text. Four sentences have  been removed. Match
           each gap (1-4)  with a sentence  (A-E).  There  is one extra
                                                                 Use of English
           sentence that you do not need.
                                                                 3  oo theexam task.
           The way things were
           When I thinl<  of my childhood,  I think of water. I was born,
           and spent my early [ife, on a houseboat, atong with my
           older sister and my parents. I remember  the unsteady,   Complete  the text with an appropriate  word in each gap.
           but atso comforting,  feeling of being on the water.  ETI  Earty memories
           And I remember  the rain - lots of it! When you're  on a  My first memory  is of my mother painting  my cot.
           small boat, you feeI and notice the weather more. latso  I remember  the smell  '_   the paint. lt probabty
           remember  going  to the standpipe  to fetch  water.  We  wasn't very good  '_   me! I also remember  falling
           regularly needed  to fill up the water  tanks on the boat,  '_   of my pushchair and banging my head,  atthough
           and that  job  betonged  to me and my sister.  We always  my mum says it was my brother  o_   did that. He's a
           had to be carefulwith  how much water  we used.  ETI     yearolder'_  me. Perhaps lsaw him do it. I have a  '
           We washed in a sma[[ tin bath, and washed our hair in    vague  memory  of my grandmother visiting us and giving
           the sink. We brushed ourteeth  with a mug of water. My   me a bag of sweets, but she died when lwas three, so
           mum washed all our clothes by hand and hung them out     I'm not sure  6_   this is a real memory  or  just  based
           along  the top of the boat in fine weather, but atI over the  '_   what my mum has totd me about  her. I remember
           inside of the boat on rainy  days. A lingering memory  of my  my sister being born when  I was four. My brother and
           chitdhood  is the smetl  of damp clothes.                I went to a neighbour's  house  while  mum was   8
           Our boat was fairly long, but extremely narrow.l3Tl      hospitat.  I don't l<now  why dad coutdn't  look  e_   us,
                                                                    but anyway, we were only there   one night.
           My parents'  bedroom was at the far end ofthe boat, next
           to the Iittte room where my sister and I had bunl< beds.
           At the other end ofthe boat, there was a tiny bathroom,  Speaking
           living space  and kitchen area. When  my sister and I wanted
                                                                 4  Oo theexam task.
           more space, we played beside  the boat at the water's
           edge. We used to ptay outside  in alI weather.
           Most of my earty life we spent travelling  along the canals  Work in pairs. lmagine that you left school ten years  ago
           of southern  England.  But when  I was six, we came to stay  and that you are now organising  a reunion for members
           in Oxford  on a canaI nearthe centre  of the city, and my  of your class.  Agree  on:
           sister and I started formal education.  ETI  Untitthen
                                                                    .  where  you should  hotd the reunion  (restaurant?  school
           we hadn't realty realised that our way of Iife was unusuat,
                                                                      ha[t?  other ven  ue?)
           but our new friends were fascinated  by our home.  As we
                                                                    o  what the reunion shoutd involve (food  and drink?
           were by theirs!
                                                                      entertainment?  speeches?)
                                                                    .  how you wilt notify the former members  of your ctass
                                                                      of your ptans
                                                                    o  whether you shoutd invite teachers  too.

     3},  Get Ready for your  Exarn 2
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